UMGC Headquarters
3501 University Boulevard East
Administration Building
Adelphi, MD 20783
University of Maryland Global Campus
Welcome to the University of Maryland Global Campus Bid Locker Page!
Purchasing for the University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC) is conducted by the Office of Procurement and Business Affairs. Under the direction of the Associate Vice President, we are strongly committed to our campus customers.
UMGC's Office of Procurement and Business Affairs ensures the University's procurements are conducted in a competitive, fair, and open environment and in full compliance with applicable policies, laws, and regulations. We identify opportunities to establish contracts that capitalize on the University's buying power, and work closely with the Institution's community to ensure contract compliance. In support of the University's mission, we procure goods and services using best value practices while working collaboratively to meet the needs of our customers.
UMGC is a supporter of the State of Maryland Small Business Reserve Program and State of Maryland Minority Business Enterprise Program.
Accessing Public RFPs/Solicitations
All new public RFPs/solicitations and updates will be posted on the eMaryland Marketplace Advantage (eMMA).
Once on the eMMA site, follow these steps to view all active UMGC public solicitations:
* Click Public Solicitations
* Click Advanced Search
* Type University of Maryland Global Campus in the Agency field
* Click Search
This search should generate a list of all active UMGC public solicitations. To search inactive UMGC public solicitations, change the Status to Closed before generating the search. If you have any questions about the eMMA site or the UMGC public solicitation process, please email We thank you for your interest in procurement opportunities at UMGC.
Contact Us
The Procurement Office can be reached at
Our Active Solicitations
We have no open bid or contracting opportunities at this time.
Recently Closed Solicitations
We have no recently closed solicitations at this time.
Our Solicitation History
You can see our complete solicitation history here.
File Library
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The file library is currently empty.
Vendor Registration
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