Owner's Representative for Earthquake Ready Burnside Bridge
Original Opportunity #: | RFP-130-2020 |
Issued by: | Multnomah County |
View Original: | Load in New Window |
Publish Date: | May 23, 2020 12:00AM |
s Due Date: |
Jun 29, 2020 4:00PM
(Pacific Standard Time)
Status: | Closed |
Amendment 2 A REVISED copy of the Pre-Proposal Meeting sign in sheet has been posted on the Buyer Attachment page. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Amendment 1 A copy of the Pre-Proposal Meeting sign in sheet has been posted on the Buyer Attachment page. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE An optional pre-proposal conference will be held virtually June 1, 2020 at 10:30 AM to answer questions about the project and electronic submittal instructions. Join the Google Meeting at: https://meet.google.com/edz-zxsp-ows, Phone Number: 1-240-617-0140, PIN: 661-428-647#. Join by either the Google Meeting or phone number, but not both. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND OVERVIEW OF SERVICES The Multnomah County Transportation Division (âCountyâ) is seeking Proposals from Professional and Related Services consultants (âProposerâ) to provide project management and ownerâs representative services to support the County in the design and construction of the Preferred Build Alternative identified in the National Environmental Policy Act (âNEPAâ) phase of the Project. Additional information about the project can be obtained from www.burnsidebridge.org. Major ownerâs representative service components include but are not limited to: Project Management & Administrative Support; Procurement Support; Design Reviews & Coordination; Equity and Diversity Support Services; Right of Way (âROWâ) Services; Independent Cost Estimating; Public Involvement; and Construction Phase Services. The Project is anticipated to be delivered using the Construction Manager/General Contractor (âCM/GCâ) alternative construction project delivery method. Introduction and Program History Built in 1926, the existing Burnside Bridge is 94 years old and carries approximately 44,000 vehicles, three bus lines, and over 2,000 pedestrians and bicyclists a day. Additionally, the space below the bridge is teeming with urban life and activity, including nine interstate lanes, three railroad tracks, two Max lines, a world-renowned skate park, the Eastbank Esplanade, Saturday Market and Tom McCall Waterfront Park. The bridge also serves as a vital link across the Willamette River along the Burnside Corridor, one of our regionâs Priority 1 emergency transportation routes extending 20 miles from Beaverton to Gresham. In 2015, Multnomah County completed its 20-year Willamette River Bridges Capital Improvement Plan (âCIPâ). This thorough and comprehensive look at the Countyâs six bridges, especially the four downtown structures, provided a high-level assessment of the condition of these critical transportation assets and developed a list of required improvements to ensure they continue to be safe and reliable. The CIP was intended to provide a clear direction for prioritizing projects in order to maximize the limited funds available for bridge improvements. It was determined the Burnside Bridge is a top priority for the County due to its designation as the only County owned emergency transportation route across the Willamette River in downtown Portland. As currently built, the bridge is not expected to withstand a major seismic event. Therefore, the County is taking proactive steps to improve the bridge in order to meet the regionâs needs for seismic resiliency. Environmental Documentation The County is currently in the process of completing an Environmental Impact Statement (âEISâ) for the Project. The Preferred Alternative will be identified in the Draft EIS in fall 2020. A combined Final EIS/Record of Decision is anticipated to be issued by the Federal Highway Administration in fall 2021. Contract Phases The County anticipates the contracted Services will be phased as follows: Phase I - Pre-Design Phase. Services during this phase will include the development of the Request for Proposals (âRFPâ) for the A&E Design Consultant (âA&E Consultantâ) contract and CM/GC Contractor contract. Phase II - Design Phase. Services during this phase will include project and program management, technical and engineering support services. Phase III - Construction Phase. Services during this phase include project and program management, technical and engineering support services, construction inspection support, quality documentation support, dispute resolution support, and document support. The County and the successful Proposer shall negotiate the detailed tasks, deliverables, schedule and costs for Phase I and Phase II of the project described above. Phase III of the Project will be authorized only by written contract amendment with all required approvals and signatures. FUNDING The Project is currently funded through the Design and Right Of Way phases using local funding. Previous studies estimate the total Project cost will be in the range of $580 to $860 million. This cost estimate will be refined as part of the alternatives analysis and planning-design phase work. The Construction phase of this project is likely to include federal funds. Funding of the work described in this RFP is not guaranteed. Fluctuations in funding year-to-year should be expected. The County cannot assure that any particular level of work will be assigned and the contract will permit the County to add or remove work as necessary depending on availability of funding. TASKS AND SCOPE OF SERVICES Multnomah County is seeking a firm to manage daily activities, evaluate and recommend options, create project documents including submittals to other agencies, and generally serve as the Owner's Representative to accomplish the following non-exhaustive list of tasks: TASK 1: GENERAL PROJECT MANAGEMENT SUPPORT SERVICES Consultant shall provide a Project Management Team and support staff to assist the County in managing and coordinating all phases of work activities. Task 1.1 Project Management and Coordination Consultant shall provide internal day-to-day coordination and management of the Project team, administrative support for coordinating and scheduling work, monitoring progress, and managing change. Task 1.2 Project Meetings Consultant shall facilitate and participate in a variety of meetings to support Project work activities, including but not limited to a Kick-Off Meeting, Chartering Meeting, Partnering Meetings, Mediation Meetings, Weekly Coordination Meetings, Monthly Coordination Meetings, Design/Technical Team Meetings, Multnomah County Board Briefings and Meetings, Permitting Coordination Meetings and Ad-Hoc Meetings. Task 1.3 Agency Coordination Consultant shall support the County by providing meeting support, facilitation, and coordination among the federal, state, and local agencies needed to advance the Project. Task 1.4 Project Management Plan Consultant shall develop a project management plan for the entire Project that details how the costs, schedule, and scope will be managed, including but not limited to a Quality Assurance and Control Plan (âQA/QCâ), Risk Management Plan, and Consultant Performance Management Plan. Task 1.5 Risk Management Plan Consultant shall develop a plan to identify, analyze, mitigate, and monitor risks throughout the life of the Project. Task 1.6 Project Schedule Consultant shall submit a detailed project schedule, showing major tasks, meetings, review milestones and deliverables for all phases of the Project. Consultant shall also review and provide comments on schedules submitted by the A&E Consultant and CM/GC Contractor. Task 1.7 Project Controls Consultant shall support the County in monitoring the budget and prepare monthly reports that summarize the key findings related to scope, schedule, and costs of the entire Project including the reason for any variances and if corrective action is needed. Task 1.8 Admin Support Services Consultant shall provide general administration support services as needed by the County for the regular management and oversight of the Project. Task 1.9 QA/QC Plan Consultant shall prepare a comprehensive set of procedures and activities to ensure delivery of work products that meet or exceed the expectations of the County. Task 1.10 Co-location Support Services The Consultant shall research and lease an office location to house County, Consultant, and A&E Consultant, and CM/GC Contractor staff for the duration of the Project. Task 1.11 Project Management Software Support Services The Consultant shall support the County in the configuration of a cloud-based project management software to support document control for the project. The software is anticipated to be selected by fall 2020. PHASE I: PRE-DESIGN PHASE TASK 2: A&E DESIGN CONSULTANT PROCUREMENT SUPPORT SERVICES Consultant shall support the County in the development of procurement documents and perform a review of the successful Proposerâs detailed scope of work and fee. TASK 3: CM/GC CONTRACTOR PROCUREMENT SUPPORT SERVICES Consultant shall support the County in the development of the procurement documents and providing general information to the contracting community regarding the Project in advance of the CM/GC Contractor RFP publication date. PHASE II: DESIGN PHASE TASK 4: DESIGN MANAGEMENT SUPPORT SERVICES Consultant shall support the County in managing the delivery of Project technical reports, design plans, specifications and estimates prepared by the A&E Consultant. Task 4.1 Coordination and Administrative Support Consultant shall support the County in coordinating the review of the A&E Consultant work products in addition to providing meeting support, document management, and general office administration duties. Task 4.2 Survey Support Consultant shall support the County with overseeing the coordination and review of survey related deliverables submitted by the A&E Consultant. Task 4.3 Environmental Support Consultant shall support the County with overseeing the coordination and review of deliverables submitted by the A&E Consultant. Task 4.4 Permitting Coordination Support Consultant shall support the County with overseeing the coordination and tracking of any required permits for the Project identified in the NEPA phase. Task 4.5 Utilities Coordination Support Consultant shall support the County with overseeing the location, coordination, relocation and reimbursement efforts arising from conflicting Utilities. Task 4.6 Geotechnical Design Support Consultant shall support the County with overseeing the coordination and review of Geotechnical Engineering related deliverables submitted by the A&E Consultant. Task 4.7 Hydraulics and Stormwater Design Support Consultant shall support the County with overseeing the coordination and review of Hydraulics and Stormwater related deliverables submitted by the A&E Consultant. Task 4.8 Roadway Design Support Consultant shall support the County with overseeing the coordination and review of Roadway Design related deliverables submitted by the A&E Consultant. Task 4.9 Structures Design Support Consultant shall support the County with overseeing the coordination and review of Structural Design related deliverables submitted by the A&E Consultant. Task 4.10 Movable Bridge Engineering Design Support Consultant shall support the County with overseeing the coordination and review of Movable Bridge Engineering related deliverables submitted by the A&E Consultant. Task 4.11 Traffic Engineering & Management Support Consultant shall support the County with overseeing the coordination and review of Traffic Engineering related deliverables submitted by the A&E Consultant. Task 4.12 Railroad Coordination Consultant shall serve as the point of contact for the County with Union Pacific Railroad (âUPRRâ) to secure permits to coordinate demolition and construction activities above and adjacent to the track system. TASK 5: INDEPENDENT COST ESTIMATING FOR DESIGN PHASE Consultant shall develop independent âbottom upâ preliminary construction cost estimates at key design phase milestones prepared in a manner that facilitates comparison with the CM/GC Contractor estimate. TASK 6: CONSTRUCTABILITY REVIEW FOR DESIGN PHASE Consultant shall review all project documents and necessary materials to provide recommendations and identification of issues and potential risks concerning constructability of the Preferred Alternative identified in the NEPA phase. TASK 7: RIGHT OF WAY RELATED SERVICES The Project will require a combination of partial and/or entire acquisitions of a number of properties in order to provide space for the CM/CG Contractor to perform their work and store materials. Specific properties impacted by the Project may require full or partial building demolition. Task 7.1 ROW Acquisition Support The Consultant shall support the County in acquiring property for the Project as needed in compliance with the Uniform Act. Task 7.2 Demolition/Redress Plans Consultant shall support the County in the development of a demolition bid package, redress plan (if needed), and provide permitting assistance. TASK 8: PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT Consultant shall support the County in public involvement strategy and outreach activities that are not included in the A&E Consultant contract. TASK 9: GREENROADS RATING SYSTEM SUPPORT SERVICES The County has selected Greenroads as the preferred third-party sustainability rating system for the Project. Consultant shall support the Countyâs efforts in achieving a Gold certification for the Project. TASK 10: GRANT WRITING SUPPORT SERVICES The Consultant shall support the County in the development, submission, and tracking of grant applications in pursuit of funding for future phases of work. TASK 11: EQUITY & DIVERSITY SUPPORT SERVICES The County seeks to maximize the use of Certification Office for Business Inclusion and Diversity (âCOBIDâ) Certified Firms. The County seeks to maximize apprenticeship and employment opportunities for minorities, women and economically disadvantaged workers on Transportation Division construction contracts. Task 11.1 Supplier Diversity Program Development & Management The Consultant shall support the Countyâs values and goals for the project, providing guidance and oversight to the Contractor and their subcontractors in the development, implementation and tracking of a plan supporting the Countyâs Supplier Diversity Program and incorporating the use of B2GNow software used by the County. Consultant shall assist and support subcontractor outreach and recruitment of COBID Certified Firms for participation on the Project. Task 11.2 Workforce Training Program Development & Management The Consultant shall support the Countyâs values and goals for the project, providing guidance and oversight to the Contractor and their subcontractors in the development, implementation and tracking of a Workforce Training & Hiring Program plan and incorporating the use of LCPtracker tracking and reporting software. Task 11.3 Project Labor Agreement Development Consultant shall support the County in the development of a Project Labor Agreement anticipated to be included in the CM/CG Contractor RFP. The Consultant shall facilitate all meetings and provide administrative support to ensure meeting minutes, reports, agendas and other necessary documents are prepared and distributed. PHASE III: CONSTRUCTION PHASE Upon completion of Phase II Services, the County may, in its sole discretion, amend the Contract to add the next phase of services or assign subsequent phase tasks to another consulting firm. Services shall include continuation of relevant tasks listed above and may expand to include the following additional services: Construction Inspection; Quality Control Compliance Specialist (âQCCSâ); Change management/ Change Order Support; Dispute resolution/Claim Support; Construction Project Management; and Closeout. FISCAL REQUIREMENTS AND REPORTING Payment will be made on a Time & Materials basis for budgeted, agreed upon costs incurred in the delivery of services provided in this contract, up to a negotiated Not To Exceed amount. The anticipated initial value of the contract awarded from this RFP is estimated at $5,500,000 to $7,000,000. Estimated date for completion of Phase I and Phase II is December 2024. Contingent on County need, consultant performance, and the availability of funding, County reserves the right to amend the contract for additional tasks as necessary to complete the project (within the Project Scope identified in this RFP.) A monthly invoice shall be submitted, including supporting documentation sufficient to substantiate charges on the invoice, including a detailed line-item breakdown of labor and direct non-labor tasks organized by Task and Subtask (if applicable). Invoices shall be submitted in an electronic format acceptable to the County. PERFORMANCE MEASURES/PERFORMANCE CONTRACTING Contractor shall perform all Services in accordance with the Standard of Care, defined as the same professional skill, care, diligence and standards as other professionals performing similar services under similar conditions. Contractor shall ensure that all persons performing services under any executed contract shall be licensed in compliance with all laws, codes, rules or other requirements for the provision of such services required by the laws of the State of Oregon. 1. Contractor shall prepare, in accordance with the Standard of Care, all drawings, specifications, deliverables and other documents so that they accurately reflect, fully comply with and incorporate all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, and so that they are complete and functional for the purposes intended, except as to any deficiencies which are due to causes beyond the control of Contractor; 2. Contractor shall be responsible for correcting any inconsistencies, errors or omissions in the drawings, specifications, deliverables and other documents prepared by Contractor at no additional cost to County; 3. Countyâs review or acceptance of documents shall not be deemed as approval of the adequacy of the drawings, specifications, deliverables and other documents. Any review or acceptance by County will not relieve Contractor of any responsibility for complying with the Standard of Care; 4. Contractor shall, at no additional cost to County, render assistance to County in resolving problems or other issues relating to the Project design or to specified materials; 5. During the term of the Contract, Contractor shall obtain, hold, maintain and fully pay for all licenses and permits required by law for contractor to conduct its business and perform the Services. During the term of the Contract, County shall pay for and Contractor shall obtain, hold and maintain all licenses and permits required for the Project, unless otherwise specified in the Contract or agreed to in advance in writing by the County. Contractor shall review the Project site and the nature of the Services and advise County throughout the course of the Project as to the necessity of obtaining all Project permits and licenses, the status of the issuance of any such permits and licenses, and any issues or impediments related to the issuance or continuation of any such permits and licenses; 6. Contractor shall pay all subcontractors as required by Contractorâs contracts with those subcontractors. Contractor agrees that County has no direct or indirect contractual obligation or other legal duty whatsoever to any subcontractors; including the duty to pay the subcontractors of Contractor or otherwise ensure that Contractor makes full and timely payment to those subcontractors for services performed on the Project; 7. Work products shall be to Multnomah County standards, unless work product requires following standards of another agency (e.g. Oregon Department of Transportation, Federal Highways Administration, Army Corps of Engineering, etc.); 8. The County reserves the right to conduct periodic Contractor Performance Evaluations to provide feedback on quality and technical performance, cost performance, schedule performance and client management; and 9. Other performance measures may be negotiated during contracting. CONTRACT NEGOTIATION The County will initiate contract negotiations with the responsive and responsible Proposer with the highest scoring proposal. Multnomah County may, at its option, elect to negotiate general contract terms and conditions, services, pricing, implementation schedules, and such other terms as the County determines are in the Countyâs best interest. If negotiations fail to result in a contract, the County reserves the right to terminate the negotiations and initiate contract negotiations with the next highest scoring responsive and responsible Proposer. This process may continue until a contract agreement is reached. CONTRACT AWARD Through this RFP process, the County is seeking to award one contract. Award, as determined by the County, will be made to the responsible Proposer whose Proposal the County determines is most advantageous to the County based on the evaluation process and evaluation factors described in this RFP. The County reserves the right to select Proposers who have submitted a proposal scoring fewer points than a higher scoring proposal based on the Proposerâs ability to best meet the Countyâs programmatic needs. If a Proposer who has submitted a proposal that has scored fewer points is recommended for selection, the Board of County Commissioners must approve the award. Multnomah County strongly encourages the participation of COBID Certified Firms (Minority-Owned, Service Disabled Veteran-Owned, Women-Owned, and Emerging Small Businesses) and Organizations in providing these services. CONTRACT TERM County estimates the contract resulting from this RFP will cover a period of approximately 10 years but reserves the right to extend the contract period to meet the needs of the project. COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT Compensation will be on a Time & Materials basis, up to a negotiated Not To Exceed (NTE) for the contract scope of work. Progress Payments for Acceptable Progress. County will pay Consultant monthly progress payments for actual costs, up to the Contract NTE amount, for Consultantâs acceptable and verifiable progress on tasks and deliverables included in the invoice. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The Proposer awarded a Contract as a result of this RFP will be required to provide the insurance described in Exhibit 2 of the Multnomah County Services Contract located in the Buyer Attachments page. The insurance required includes all of the following: Workers Compensation: $500,000 minimum; Professional Liability: $1,000,000 per occurrence with $2,000,000 annual aggregate; Commercial General Liability: $1,000,000 per occurrence with $2,000,000 annual aggregate; Commercial Auto Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence; and Excess/Umbrella Liability: $1,000.000 combined single limit per claim or occurrence with $2,000,000 annual limit. JOINT, MULTIPLE OR ALTERNATE PROPOSALS Joint, multiple or alternate proposals will not be accepted. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS At the time of proposal submission, Proposers must meet the following minimum requirements. Failure to provide any of the required documents or meet any of the below requirements shall result in rejection of the proposal. 1. The Proposer's response must be received by Multnomah County Purchasing no later than 4:00 P.M. local Portland time on the proposal submission deadline. 2. The Proposer must certify that they agree to the Proposer's Representation and Certification terms in the Prerequisite page of the Sourcing Event. At the time of Contracting, Proposers must meet the following minimum requirements. Failure to provide any of the required documents or meet any of the below requirements shall result in cancellation of the contract. The minimum requirements are: 1. Proposers must be legal entities, currently registered to do business in the State of Oregon (per ORS 60.701). 2. Proposers must submit verification that all insurance requirements are met.Attachments
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Jun 5, 2020 | |
Jun 6, 2020 |
About Multnomah County
We partner with COBID (Certification Office for Business Inclusion & Diversity) to ensure that supplier diversity is practiced and is a priority in our purchasing and contracting. Supplier Diversity means we are proactive in encouraging or mandating the use of COBID Certified Firms for contracts or subcontracts with the County. You can read more about our contracting equity here.
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