General Consultant Services (21200518130415)
Original Opportunity #: | 21200518130415 |
Issued by: | City of Philadelphia - eContract Philly |
Publish Date: | May 21, 2020 12:00AM |
s Due Date: |
Jun 10, 2020 12:00AM
(Eastern Standard Time)
Status: | Closed |
he Records Department is responsible for managing records through various stages of their respective lifecycle. Records for which the Department is responsible are stored in various foramsts , including those that foramats that are sutibable fore long-term and permanent retention. Peridocally, the department reviews its inventory of records retained long-term. The review inlcudes an update of the invenotry, identification of format, a description of conditions, and other metadata that will be provided by the Department, and removal and placement of of deteriorated service copies. Work will also include labelling folders and boxes as required, depending upon the condition of existing folders and boxes. Information required for labeling will be identified by the Department. Replacemnet of deteriorated boxes and /or record content will rquire on-site work. For deteriorated records, an appropriate removal and destruction plan will need to be developed and implemeted. The plan development will involve both the vedor and the Department. The work will also include the generation of reports and status meetings that may include both on and off site meetings and converence calls.Attachments
This project has the following solicitation documents. You will need to visit the agency's original website to download these documents.
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Name: eContract Philly
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