Original Opportunity #: RFPQ-33-2020
Issued by: Multnomah County
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Publish Date: Sep 13, 2019 10:45AM
s Due Date: Sep 16, 2019 4:00PM (Pacific Standard Time) add to calendar
Status: Closed


AMENDMENT 2Amendment 2 is issued with the following change: 1. Buyer Attachment B is removed and replaced with revised Attachment B. AMENDMENT 1Amendment 1 is issued with the following changes: 1. Description Page; Funding Scope of Services Required Service Elements Revisions to award and allocation process Addition of Service Transition Strategy 2. Buyer Attachment A is removed and replaced with revised Attachment A 3. Proposal Questions & Evaluation Criteria have been updated. PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE There will be a pre-proposal conference for this Solicitation on August 27, 2019 starting at 1:00 PM at the Multnomah Building located at 501 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 126, Portland, OR.  Attendance is:  Optional Service Description, Funding And Contracting Information Purpose And Overview The Multnomah County Department of County Human Services, Youth and Family Services Division seeks to contract for Culturally Specific Legal Navigation Services for Immigrant Communities. Legal system navigation services will be provided to members of immigrant and refugee communities impacted by changes to federal immigration law and enforcement. Issue Statement Changes in the federal immigration landscape have created a climate of fear around the country, including in Multnomah County.  Limited access to accurate information about the immigration legal system and the rights of community members has increased fear and hindered access to health, education, employment, housing, and social services in communities that already face substantial barriers. Fear of accessing health care in particular can result in public health crises.  Multnomah County strives to promote a safe, stable, thriving and welcoming community. When fewer families get their basic needs met it impacts the wellness of everyone. Program Goal The goal of Culturally Specific Legal Navigation Services is to ensure immigrant and refugee communities know their rights and can access legal and social services.  It is the County’s intent to reduce the experience of fear, provide timely and accurate legal information, and reduce barriers to health care, education and basic services, thereby increasing the wellness of the entire community.  Key Definitions Contracted suppliers will be expected to provide services that are both culturally specific to a particular community or communities (Latinx or African and Other Immigrant) and culturally responsive to all potentially impacted communities. Culturally Specific Culturally specific services are provided for specific populations based on their particular needs, where the majority of members/clients are reflective of that community, and use language, structures and settings familiar to the culture of the target population to create an environment of belonging and safety in which services are delivered. Culturally specific organizations typically refer to organizations with a majority of members/clients from a particular community. Culturally specific organizations also have a culturally focused organizational identity and environment, a positive track record of successful community engagement, and recognition from the community served as advancing the best interests of that community. Culturally Responsive Culturally responsive services are those that are respectful of, and relevant to, the beliefs, practices, culture and linguistic needs of diverse consumer/client populations and communities whose members identify as having particular cultural or linguistic affiliations by virtue of their place of birth, ancestry or ethnic origin, religion, preferred language or language spoken at home. Cultural responsiveness describes the capacity to respond to the issues of diverse communities. It thus requires knowledge and capacity at different levels of intervention: systemic, organizational, professional, and individual.  Target Population The target population for Navigation services will be immigrant and refugee individuals and families who live and/or work in Multnomah County and who have been disproportionately impacted by recent changes in the federal immigration landscape.  Legal information and education shall also be provided to staff working with target populations and others who may benefit from this information. Contracts will be awarded for Culturally Specific Latinx Services and for Culturally Specific African and Other Immigrant Services.   Geographic Limitations Services will be provided throughout Multnomah County. Funding Fnding for Culturally Specific Navigation Services for Immigrant Families is projected at $250,000 per year for a maximum term of five (5) years.  Funding of the work described in this RFPQ is not guaranteed. Fluctuations in funding year to year should be expected. The County cannot assure that any particular level of work will be provided and the contract will permit the County to add or remove work as necessary depending on availability of funding. Currently funding has only been budgeted and allocated for the second half of fiscal year 2020.   The County will fund up to four (4) suppliers for these services. Three (3) suppliers will likely be culturally specific Latinx. One (1) supplier will be culturally specific African and Other Immigrant. Anticipated funding available for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2020 (ending June 30, 2020) is $36,250.00, subject to change depending upon final contract execution date and the results of the Allocation process described below. Funding priorities are a reflection of the current demographic for the target population, future allocations are subject to change based upon the needs of the community. MATCH REQUIREMENTS Not Applicable. Scope of Services The following are required and optional services, other additional services may also be proposed. Required for all Service contracts:   Coordination with legal services providers. Conducting legal intake and providing legal information through one-on-one meetings.   Referral of cases to legal services providers. Scheduling and managing legal consultations. Providing legal system navigation. Outreach to client community, other organizations and service providers about  legal navigation services and other information.   Follow up with clients who do not receive legal services to share information, referrals, and/or resources. Participation in system meetings with County staff and other providers funded under this procurement. Secure and confidential maintaining of client data. Ensuring client confidentiality according to applicable federal, state and local laws. Complying with County contractual and reporting requirements.  Optional enhanced service elements may include, but are not limited to:  Coordinating community education regarding Know Your Rights, Protect Your Family Plan, Financial Safety, and other relevant topics. Providing family support services to ameliorate impacts of immigration issues (including but not limited to family planning, accessing mental health services, accessing rent assistance, language access, etc.) Utilizing and tracking client assistance funds, if available, to remove barriers to accessing immigration and navigation related services. Any other services identified by the contracted provider or community in support of the County’s goals of reducing the experience of fear, providing timely and accurate information, and increasing access to health care, education and basic services, thereby increasing the wellness of the entire community PERFORMANCE MEASURES AND REPORTING  Please see Buyer Attachment B for initial targets and reporting estimates. Specific performance measures will be negotiated with qualified suppliers during the allocation and contract negotiation process. CONTRACT NEGOTIATION Once selected in the allocation process, the County will initiate contract negotiations with the Proposer. Multnomah County may, at its option, elect to negotiate general contract terms and conditions, services, pricing, implementation schedules, and such other terms as the County determines are in the County’s best interest. If negotiations fail to result in a contract, the County reserves the right to terminate the negotiations and initiate contract negotiations with another qualified Proposer(s). This process may continue until a contract agreement is reached. CONTRACT AWARD AND ALLOCATION PROCESS This is a formal, competitive, Request For Programmatic Qualifications (RFPQ) process as provided for under the authority of PUR-1. No contracts will be issued as a result of this RFPQ process. Our intent is to establish pools of qualified vendors who will be eligible for potential contract awards. There is no limit on the number of vendors that may be qualified under this RFPQ process. DCHS anticipates negotiating up to four (4) contracts with qualified suppliers in FY20 with funding through June 30, 2020.  Up to three (3) contracts will likely be for Culturally Specific Latinx Services and one (1) will likely be for Culturally Specific African and Other Immigrant Services. ALLOCATION PROCESS Entirely separate from this qualification process, DCHS will initiate and award contracts to those qualified providers who demonstrate the desired experience, skills, proficiency, certifications, and area of specialty that will provide the services described in this event. DCHS will conduct a rigorous funds allocation process to distribute available funds according to known system requirements and priorities. Allocations will only be made to providers who previously qualified under this RFPQ. The funding allocation process will be a formal one, requiring DCHS to document their findings and determinations in writing that lead to specific funding allocations or to the continuation of funding allocations. Vendors may not protest funding allocation decisions.. Allocation priorities and selection criteria may include: County and Department strategic priorities RFPQ proposal information and evaluation input from the RFPQ raters, including score Provider/system stability Specific population to be served Services provided in client’s native language(s) Geographic service area proposed Provider economy of scale Extent of provision of like services by any one agency Other factors as deemed appropriate by the funding allocation team Since the allocation process considers a variety of factors, funding may go to qualified Proposers who did not earn the highest overall RFPQ qualified score. Therefore, it will be possible to qualify under this RFPQ process and not receive a funding allocation due to resource limitations and other factors. The Department does not guarantee any particular volume of business will be offered to any applicant who qualifies to provide services, nor is there any guarantee that DCHS will use the services of any applicant who is issued a contract by virtue of this application. After Purchasing provides written solicitation results to all Proposers and with the completion of the separate allocation process by DCHS, DCHS staff will contact the successful and qualified Proposer(s) who will receive an allocation for contract negotiations. The County will be awarding Requirements Contracts for these services. Requirements Contracts do not guarantee any level of funding and funding levels may change from year to year. All Proposers seeking to provide services must submit a proposal and receive a minimum 70% of the total points possible in order to qualify.  The County reserves the right to qualify additional suppliers for these services as it deems necessary. All qualified suppliers will be added to one vendor pool, from which contracts will be awarded through the allocation process. CONTRACT TERM Fixed term with options   The contract term shall be six (6) months. The County shall have the option to renew this contract for four (4) additional one (1) year period(s). SERVICE TRANSITION STRATEGY The County is committed to maintaining uninterrupted service between contracts. DCHS expects Contractors to have staff hired and trained to begin delivering services on January 1, 2020 to the greatest extent practicable. During the immediate post-award period, the successful proposer will be required to develop a transition plan that includes transition and capacity needs to successfully ramp up service delivery. DCHS anticipates that mid-November through December 2019 will be the initial transition period. Should this solicitation result in a change in providers, there may be some overlap in funding between new and existing providers in order to support a smooth transition. Any new provider will be expected to work cooperatively with the current provider to minimize the impact the transition will have on current participants. DCHS will convene transition conversations and review and approve all service transition plans. DCHS will support contractors as much as reasonably possible to ensure a successful transition.  COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT Contractors will be paid on a cost reimbursement basis. COOPERATIVE PURCHASING    Not Used for this solicitation. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The Proposer awarded a Contract as a result of this RFPQ and the follow on allocation process will be required to provide the insurance described in Exhibit 2 of the Multnomah County Services Contract located in the Buyer Attachments page.  Type of Insurance  Amount  Per Occurrence  Aggregate  Professional Liability    $1,000,000     $1,000,000     $2,000,000 Commercial Gen Liability    $1,000,000     $1,000,000     $2,000,000 Commercial Auto Liability      $1,000,000     $1,000,000    Workers Compensation     Required     MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS  At the time of proposal submission,Proposers must meet the following minimum requirements. Failure to provide any of the required documents or meet any of the below requirements shall result in rejection of the proposal. The Proposal response must be received by Multnomah County Purchasing no later than 4:00 P.M. local Portland time on the proposal submission deadline. Proposer Representations and Certifications  The Proposer must certify that they agree to the Proposers Representation and Certification terms in the Pre-requisite page of the Sourcing Event. At the time of Contracting,Proposers must meet the following minimum requirements. Failure to provide any of the required documents or meet any of the below requirements shall result in cancellation of the contract Proposers must be legal entities, currently registered to do business in the State of Oregon (per ORS 60.701). Proposers must submit verification that all insurance requirements are met.


This project has the following solicitation documents. You will need to visit the agency's original website to download these documents.

Bid Document File Size Notes

For Questions or Additional Information, Contact:

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About Multnomah County

We partner with COBID (Certification Office for Business Inclusion & Diversity) to ensure that supplier diversity is practiced and is a priority in our purchasing and contracting. Supplier Diversity means we are proactive in encouraging or mandating the use of COBID Certified Firms for contracts or subcontracts with the County.

You can read more about our contracting equity here.
