In-Home and Personal Care Services
Original Opportunity #: | RFPQ-94-2020 |
Issued by: | Multnomah County |
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Publish Date: | Jan 11, 2020 12:01AM |
s Due Date: |
Feb 19, 2020 4:00PM
(Pacific Standard Time)
Status: | Closed |
PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE There will be a pre-proposal conference for this Sourcing Event on Tuesday, January 21, 2020 at 10:30AM in the Oak Conference Room located in the Five Oak Building at 209 SW 4th Ave, Portland, OR 97204. Attendance is: Optional SERVICE DESCRIPTION, FUNDING AND CONTRACTING INFORMATION PURPOSE AND OVERVIEW Multnomah County Department of Human Services (DCHS), Aging, Disability, and Veteran Services Division (ADVSD) is seeking responsive, responsible contractors to provide cost effective In-Home Care Services on a fee-for-services basis for seniors, family caregivers and people with disabilities living in Multnomah County. The intent and purpose of this Request for Programmatic Qualifications (RFPQ) is to qualify providers to provide services that will assist clients in remaining as independent as possible; to support clients in their activities of daily living; to support the social and emotional needs of clients; to delay or prevent out-of-home placement; and support client determination. Agencies qualified under this RFPQ will provide an array of in-home care services which will include personal care services and home care services. Agencies that propose to provide personal care services must also be able to provide home care services for this contract. Agencies shall propose to provide personal care services and home care services as a package. These two services may not be proposed independently. INTRODUCTION AND PROGRAM HISTORY Multnomah Countyâs Aging, Disability, and Veteran Services Division (ADVSD) is the designated Area Agency on Aging for all of Multnomah County and the City of Portland. This designation is funded and held responsible by the State under the Federal Older Americans Act (OAA), for planning, leadership, advocacy, coordination, and delivery of OAA services for all older Americans living in the service area. A major philosophy of the OAA is that preventive and supportive services that help older people to maintain their independence should be available to all older persons and their families. The ADVSD philosophy is that policies, programs and services are established in response to the needs and expectations of customers and to ensure an outcome of quality service for older individuals, people with disabilities and their families. The ADVSD service delivery system is the result of community planning spanning more than twenty five years. The services that are provided are determined by ADVSD system priorities defined in the Area Plan, an annual plan submitted to the State of Human Services, Aging and People with Disabilities TARGET POPULATION SERVED In-home Care Services will be provided within the geographic borders of Multnomah County to clients who are age sixty (60) and above and eligible for Oregon Project Independence (OPI) services; age fifty-five (55) and older who have Alzheimerâs Disease or a related dementia and eligible for OPI; clients who are ages between 19 and 59 and who are eligible for Oregon Project Independence - Expansion (OPI-Exp) services; and family caregivers of any age who are eligible for Family Caregiver Support Program (FCSP) services. ELIGIBILITY FOR SERVICES Case managers from ADVSD contract referral agencies will determine client eligibility for services. In-home care services may be provided only to those individuals who meet the established priorities for service, have been assessed to be in need of an in-home service and are eligible for OPI, OPI-Exp, and FCSP services. GEOGRAPHIC BORDERS/LIMITATIONS & SERVICE AREAS Applicants are invited to identify the entire county, or to specify smaller areas, as preferred areas in which to provide services. The County will consider an applicant's preference to serve geographically specific areas; however, ADVSD reserves the right to assign areas to be served in order to ensure service provision to clients across the entire county. The rural and dense urban areas of the County have been underserved by service providers due to transportation related issues. The County intends to contract with in-home care service providers who demonstrate the capacity to provide services to clients throughout Multnomah County including clients who live in the rural and dense urban areas of Multnomah County. Boundaries are identified in Buyer Attachment C - Service Area Boundaries. FUNDING ADVSD has budgeted approximately $410,000.00 annually for in-home care services a combination of federal, state and local funding. Any contracts resulting from the allocation process following this RFPQ will be funded on a requirements, fee-for-service basis. No level of services is specified in the resulting contract. ADVSD retains the right to determine the level of funds for each contract, based on availability of funds and a determination of community needs. In-home care services allocations are estimates and may change year to year throughout the contract period depending upon the availability of funding. Funding of the work described in the RFPQ is not guaranteed. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES Administrative Oversight Required for Home Care Services and Personal Care Services Qualify for, obtain and maintain an Oregon State License for In-Home Care Agency at the âBasicâ licensing classification Recruit, screen, hire, train and supervise in-home care services workers. Screening shall include passing a criminal record check as required under OAR chapter 407, Division 007. Employ an adequate number of in-home care services workers to ensure the delivery of the authorized service hours. Providers must acknowledge receipt of referral within two (2) working days, with completion of initial assessment within ten (10) working days. Coordinate and communicate with client and case manager establishing timelines for prompt caregiver placement within negotiated and reasonable timelines with respect to the clients needs. Emergency placements may be requested to be fulfilled within twenty-four (24) hours. Employ supervisory personnel who are, by training and experience, capable of supervising and training workers. They must be available to the worker for consultation, advice, and assistance during the hours in which the workers are in the homes of clients. Evaluate the adequacy and appropriateness of the client's home care services and/or personal care service plan and report any recommendations for change to the referring case manager as soon as possible. Communicate to the assigned case manager any changes in the client's condition or situation which would necessitate a change in service plan, and communicate to the assigned case manager and client when service delivery is delayed or not available. Comply with RFPQ specification and requirements for record keeping, reporting, collecting of client fees, confidentiality, affirmative action, multicultural training, and participate in ADVSD sponsored meetings. Assure quality of service through regular agency staffing, adequate supervision and training of personnel, regular field service monitoring, and client satisfaction surveys. Meet with referring case managers regarding mutual clients at least annually. Maintain policies and procedures which will result in an effective and stable business operations. Awarded contractor(s) agree(s) to work with the County during the first three (3) months of contracting to establish / redefine service elements which may, at County discretion, result in contract amendment(s)in service areas such as: performance measurements; and outcome reporting. Racial Equity and Cultural Competency Racial equity is the fair and just distribution of resources and access to opportunities for communities of color across sustainable economic, relational, and social systems, as well as the meaningful engagement of communities of color in program planning, design, decision-making, implementation and evaluation. All communities are empowered through bold, courageous and continuous commitment to identifying and dismantling the root causes of racism. Cultural competency is a set of behaviors, attitudes and policies that enable an individual, agency or institution to work effectively in diverse and cross-cultural situations. Achieving cultural competence requires valuing and adapting to diversity, institutionalizing cultural knowledge, an ability to manage the dynamics of cultural difference, and regular self-assessment and evaluation. Culturally responsive services are general services that have been adapted to honor and align with the beliefs, practices, culture and linguistic needs of diverse consumer/client populations and communities whose members identify as having particular cultural or linguistic affiliations by virtue of their place of birth, ancestry or ethnic origin, religion, preferred language or language spoken at home. Client Fee Collection OPI and OPI-Exp funded services are provided to clients on a cost share basis. Clients are assessed a co-payment using a sliding fee scale, based on income. The fee assessment is the responsibility of the case manager authorizing the service. FCSP clients do not pay a co-payment. In-home care services contractors delivering OPI and OPI-Exp services will bill and collect the client co-payments. Collected co-payments offset what the Contractor may bill the County for services. Contractor will establish appropriate collection, follow-up, and accounting mechanisms. Contractors will maintain a record of client co-payments, and fees billed and received, and report this information to ADVSD and the referral agency on a monthly basis in a format approved by ADVSD. Cooperative Planning Requirements Awarded contractor recognizes that planning with the County, State and local agencies is essential to the success of a coordinated service delivery system. If proposer is awarded a contract with the County, contractor agrees to attend and participate in all meetings and planning efforts at the request of the County and to provide all data which may be required by County and State programmatic goals. Contractor's representative at the County's quarterly Contractors meeting will have the responsibility and authority to update the County on contractor agency activities that have an impact on the service system. Contractor agrees to participate in coordination efforts with ADVSD contract referral offices and ADVSD offices and programs. Emergency Procedure and Disaster Plan If awarded a contract, contractor(s) will submit, as a condition of contract, an emergency procedure and disaster plan that is accepted by the County, which describes the contractors response to natural or other emergency situations. The accepted procedure and plan is due to the County not later than six (6) months after the start of contract. The contractor shall establish a Disaster Plan which will be designed to assist in protecting the life and safety of clients in the event of a disaster. A disaster is defined as any sudden event, from either natural or human causes, that threatens the lives and/or safety of numbers of people. The Disaster Plan should take into account the fact that in many emergencies the power may go out, leaving many areas dark, even in the daytime. In addition, phones may be inoperable and roads may be impassable. Under the lead of ADVSD and ADVSD contract referral agencies the contractor will coordinate with ADVSD and ADVSD contract referral agencies to develop and maintain a list of clients most at risk during a disaster. These clients would be identified with a disaster classification code which defines the clients' level of care needs. Service priority, in the event of a disaster should be given to clients with highest level of care needs. For example, a client profile with a higher disaster classification might be a ventilator-dependent individual with no family support or an insulin-dependent diabetic who requires frequent visits. A client profile for a moderate disaster classification might be a client requiring a moderate level of care that should be provided the day scheduled, but who would not be at risk or in discomfort should the care not be performed. A low disaster classification would be one who can safely miss a scheduled visit. In addition, the disaster plan shall take into account how staffing will be achieved, given that many in-home service workers may not be available due to the disaster. Elder Abuse Notification The contractor is a mandatory reporter of suspected elder abuse under ORS 124.055 and disability abuse ORS 430.735 â 430.765. The contractor will notify the case manager or designated staff if there are circumstances which might place a client in imminent danger. All cases of alleged elder abuse will be reported immediately to the case manager or designated staff of the agency that authorized in-home care services. If the authorizing agency is not open, the local law enforcement agency should be contacted. Abuse is defined as mistreatment or neglect of a person. It may include: Physical violence or injury; financial exploitation; neglect; abandonment; self neglect; psychological abuse; violation of a person's rights; sexual exploitation and/or harassment. In addition, physical injury, including that of an unknown cause, shall be reported to the case manager or designated staff as suspected abuse, unless an immediate contractor investigation reasonably concludes the physical injury is not the result of abuse. Contractor will make available to the authorizing agency, on request, copies of investigated incident reports involving abuse or suspected abuse. PARTICIPANT RIGHTS Confidentiality and HIPAA All information regarding a client obtained in the course of providing services shall be treated as privileged communications, shall be held confidential, and shall not be divulged without the written consent of the client, his/her attorney or guardian, or unless a legal order is issued under ORS 192.311 â 192.478. This requirement is not intended to prohibit the disbursement of aggregate data which does not identify individual clients or to limit the communication between ADVSD contract referral agencies and the contractor in the provision of service to the client or in the administrative, monitoring, or evaluation activities of ADVSD, or other delegated parties. All contractor personnel having access to client information shall complete and sign a nondisclosure agreement. Access to information Clients have a right to request information regarding their records from the contractor. Grievances The contractor shall have a written client grievance procedure which assures that recipients of service under the contract shall have the opportunity to express and have considered their views, grievances, and complaints about the services. Clients must be informed of the grievance procedure in writing. The contractor shall attempt to resolve all complaints in a prompt and courteous fashion and shall inform the complainant of their rights under the established grievance procedure, including the right to contact ADVSD if they are dissatisfied with the service or the resolution of the problem. REFUSING SERVICE Guiding Principle The contractor shall provide services for all clients referred by ADVSD contract referral agencies. The contractor shall make a special effort to meet the needs of clients with unique living and personal situations, including clients with challenging behavioral issues, and is expected to initiate and continue services under less than ideal conditions while an acceptable plan is being developed in cooperation with the case manager. Grounds for Refusal The contractor may not refuse service to any client referred by ADVSD contract referral agencies unless the in-home service worker would be in danger of immediate physical injury, including active use of illegal drugs. In such cases, the contractor shall immediately contact the case manager with the pertinent details, to be followed by a written confirmation from the contractor of the situation to ADVSD within two (2) working days. The contractor may discontinue services to any client who sexually harasses in-home service workers or professional staff after having provided a warning, and the behavior persists. The contractor will notify the case manager and copy the client with a written warning communicated to the client. In the event the contractor is unable to retain a worker for a client due to other client-related causes: The contractor's supervisor will investigate the problem and report findings to the case manager for mutual resolution. Contractor will then place a second caregiver with the client after appropriate instructions are given. If the second caregiver is unable to fulfill the required service, the contractor will advise the case manager and client of the problem both via phone and in writing. The case manager will discuss the situation with the client and notify contractor when a third caregiver may be assigned to the client. If the third caregiver is unable to provide the services authorized, the contractor may be released from serving this client. Lead Agency Role in Consortiums/Teams If the proposer is submitting proposal as a lead agency providing services through a team or consortium, a draft copy of the working agreement or Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the lead entity and all the participating members of the consortium must be included with their response. The County would contract with the designated lead agency of that consortium, if selected, and not directly with each individual member of that consortium. The lead organization is responsible to ensure the provision of services and monitor its subcontractors or consortium members. Current County standards and obligations regarding subcontracting apply to any administrative model where a lead organization is designated. That lead entity must have the management capacity to: Ensure the delivery of high quality services in a manner which is culturally competent and serves the targeted population. Develop a plan to smoothly transition services from the existing service delivery arrangement to the proposed arrangement during start-up. Ensure the subcontractors have internal systems in place managing the provision of the subcontracted services. Monitor the performance of any subcontractors who are providing services contracted to the lead entity. Evaluate all services effectively and implement change when necessary or required by the County. The County will monitor the lead entityâs performance. Subcontractors are to be held to the same standards the County applies to its lead entity contractors. It is the lead entitiesâ responsibility to hold its subcontracted service provider to these standards. MATCH REQUIREMENTS Not Applicable. SCOPE OF SERVICES Applicable OAR have been reviewed and the following service definitions and provisions will apply to this RFPQ and the services contract which results from the follow-on allocation process. These definitions are specific to clients who receive OPI, OPI-Exp and FCSP services through Multnomah County ADVSD. Proposers must demonstrate a proven ability to deliver the required services according to the requirements of current Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR), including: Criminal Records and Abuse Check (OAR 407-007-0200 through 0370); In-Home Services (OAR 411-030-0002 through 0090); In-Home Care Agencies (OAR 333-536-0000 through 0044); Oregon Project Independence (OAR 411-032-000 through 0044); Oregon State Board of Nursing Nurse Practice Act (Oregon Revised Statutes, Chapter 678.010 through 678.445); Oregon State Board of Nursing (OAR 851-045-0030 through 851-045-0100); Aging and Disability Services Division In-Home Services Policy; and Aging and Disability Services Division Serving Diverse Populations. Home Care Services Definition Home Care Services consist of home care tasks for eligible clients who might not otherwise be able to remain at home due to instability in physical, mental or cognitive functioning and health. These services may be provided with direction or supervision of the client. Home Care Services include but are not limited to: Meal and/or snack preparation under clientâs direction when not related to special dietary or nutritional problems;. As requested, scheduling medical appointments, arranging for transportation and/or escorting clients to medical appointments on public transportation, TriMet Lift or cab services; (note: supplier staff are not permitted to drive clients in any vehicle) Shopping for groceries and/or medications from a list prepared by the client on a limited basis; and only when the Case Manager authorizes shopping (Note: Contractor and/or agency staff are not permitted to drive clients in any vehicle). Laundry; Home care tasks, including sweeping, vacuuming, mopping the floors and dusting for sanitation and safety; As requested, making transportation arrangements and escorting clients to medical appointments on public transportation, cab or TriMet Lift (Contractor and/or agency staff are not permitted to drive clients in any vehicle); Assisting with self-administered medications; opening and properly sealing medication containers when necessary; and Assisting clients with activities related to basic personal hygiene care, but not actually performing the task for them. Tasks include, but are not limited to, help with stand-by assistance with bathing, dressing and undressing, oral hygiene, shampooing, hair grooming, shaving, healthy skin care, and toileting. Assistance with basic personal hygiene may also include cleaning and filing fingernails and foot care (not including nail clipping). Home Care Services Specialist Training Requirements Minimum requirements: Contractor must ensure that Home Care Services Specialists (HCS) are qualified to provide the tasks authorized for the clients they serve. At a minimum, HCS must receive an orientation to the agency and have documented experience providing home care services, or receive training by the agency before independently providing the services to clients. Orientation and training will include but not be limited to the following: Basic home care tasks Basic personal hygiene care; cueing and stand-by assist Hand washing and infection control procedures Communicating with clients Client confidentiality Client rights and ethics including appropriate staff-to-client professional boundaries Dealing with challenging behavior Fire safety and non-medical emergency procedures Responding to medical emergencies including when and how to call 911 and to report sudden or drastic changes in the client to their supervisor Mandatory reporting responsibilities In-Home Care Services Supervision Qualifications: The In-Home Care Services Supervisor must have training and/or experience leading to demonstrable knowledge and skill in performing and supervising those tasks described in this RFPQ. The HCS will be supervised by the In-Home Care Services Supervisor through telephone conferences, face-to-face conferences, and field monitoring both initially for new employees and at least quarterly for all employees. The In-Home Care Services Supervisor will evaluate the adequacy and appropriateness of the clientâs home care services plan and report any recommendations for change to the appropriate case manager. The In-Home Care Services Supervisor will receive directly and evaluate reports of complications or emergencies related to the clientâs situation. The In-Home Care Services Supervisor shall report all possible complications or emergent situations to the clientâs support system, including family and case manager. Service Assessment and Authorization The contractor will provide the services on an as needed basis upon referral by OPI, OPI-Exp and FCSP case managers from ADVSD contract referral agencies and in accordance with established procedures for the OPI, OPI-Exp and FCSP program. Case managers determine the level of care, authorize services and refer clients to in-home care services. Hours are authorized based up to a five-week month. The contractor will provide services according to the indicated schedule up to the maximum amount authorized per week. Furthermore, the contractor will agree to work closely with OPI, OPI-Exp and FCSP case managers to consolidate home care services and personal care services for clients whenever appropriate, to ensure efficiency and the conservation of funding and staff resources. For example, consolidation would mean assigning a single qualified caregiver to provide both home care services and personal care services for a client who is authorized for both services; or, whenever feasible, assigning a single qualified caregiver to serve a cluster of clients who live in close proximity. Availability of Services Contractor must make provision for In-Home Care Services to be available seven days per week, including holidays, weekends, and evening services, the extent of which shall be determined by client service needs and authorized hours. Personal Care Services Definition Personal Care Services means the provision of or assistance with tasks intended to supplement a clientâs own personal abilities which are necessary to accomplish the clientâs activities of daily living and other activities as described in OAR 333-536-0045 (1) through (5), and are preventive and maintaining in nature. Personal Care Services include, but are not limited to: Assistance with mobility and transfers including assisting with ambulation with and without aids; repositioning clients confined to bed or clients in wheelchairs; encouraging active range of motion exercises; assisting with passive range of motion exercises; assisting with transfers with or without mechanical devices. Bowel and bladder care, including incontinence and peri-care management; Foley catheter care; colostomy and ileostomy; suppositories; Personal grooming, including hair, shaving, oral hygiene and nail care; Bathing; Dressing; Assistance with nutrition including preparation of nutritious meals, planning and preparing special diets; Assistance with medication reminders and aiding client to assure medication is taken as ordered by the physician, observing for reactions, reminding appropriate persons when prescriptions need to be refilled; Home care services tasks as described in this RFPQ; and Charting on a regular basis the services provided and any problems or issues requiring resolution. Personal Care Services Specialist Training Requirements Personal Care Services are provided by a Personal Care Specialist (PCS) under a service plan developed in conjunction with the referring case manager. Contractor must ensure that PCS are qualified to provide the services authorized for the clients they serve, and which are part of clientsâ service plans. PCS must meet or exceed the minimum qualifications and requirements as described in OAR 333-536-0070. Personal Care Service Supervision Personal Care Services Supervision must meet or exceed the minimum qualifications and requirements as described in OAR 333-536-0070. Emergencies All possible complications or emergent situations should be reported by the PCS directly to the PCS supervisor or physician as appropriate, and the case manager and members of the clientâs support system (family, friends). Service Assessment and Authorization The contractor will provide the services on an as needed basis upon referral by OPI, OPI-Exp and FCSP case managers from ADVSD contract referral agencies and in accordance with established procedures for the OPI, OPI-Exp and FCSP program. Case managers determine the level of care, authorize services and refer clients to personal care services. Hours are authorized based up to a five-week month. The contractor will provide service according to the indicated schedule up to the maximum amount authorized per week. Furthermore, the contractor will agree to work closely with OPI, OPI-Exp and FCSP case managers to consolidate home care services and personal care services for clients whenever appropriate, to ensure efficiency and the conservation of funding and staff resources. For example, consolidation would mean assigning a single qualified caregiver to provide both home care services and personal care services for a client who is authorized for both services; or, whenever feasible, assigning a single qualified caregiver to serve a cluster of clients who live in close proximity. Registered Nurse (RN) Assessment On a limited basis, case managers may authorize up to three (3) hours of an initial RN assessment at the personal care rate for clients referred for personal care services. Subsequent reassessments will not be authorized. Per the Board of Nursing administrative rule definition, a RN assessment means the systematic collection of data about an individual client for the purpose of judging that personâs health/illness status and actual or potential health care needs. The RN assessment will involve collecting information about the whole person including the physical, psychological, social, cultural and spiritual aspects of the person. The RN assessment will include taking a nursing history and an appraisal of the personâs health/illness through interview, physical examination and information from family/significant others and pertinent information from the personâs past health/medical record. The data collected during the nursing assessment process provides the basis for a diagnosis and a plan for intervention and evaluation. The RN assessment will be shared with the client and referring case manager and will be part of the case managerâs service plan for the client. Availability of Services The contractor must make provision for Personal Care Services to be available seven days per week, including holidays, weekends, and evening services, the extent of which shall be determined by client service needs and authorized hours. FISCAL REQUIREMENTS AND REPORTING Contractor(s) shall be required to provide outcome reports, and performance measurements that are currently not yet established or defined within this RFPQ. County reserves the right to insert / define contract language regarding Contractor(s) reporting of service elements at the time of contract negotiation and / or as amendments to executed contract(s). The submission of complete and timely reports and supportive documentation by the invoice due date will be the basis for reimbursement. Failure of Contractor to submit required reports when due may result in the withholding or reduction of payments under contracts. Such withholding of payment for cause may continue until Contractor submits required reports, or establishes, to Countyâs satisfaction, that such failure arose out of causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of Contractor. In-Home Care Services Fiscal Requirements / Reporting and Documentation Reporting and request for reimbursement will be done on forms and formats provided or approved by ADVSD. If these criteria are not met, payment may be delayed or not authorized. Contractors delivering OPI, OPI-Exp and FCSP services will maintain a record of fees received from clients who pay a co-payment for their OPI and OPI-Exp funded services and report this information to ADVSD and ADVSD contract referral agencies on a monthly basis in a format approved by ADVSD. Payment is based on units of service. One unit of service is equal to one hour of In-Home Care Services. Personal Care Services Fiscal Requirements / Reporting and Documentation Reporting and request for reimbursement will be done on forms and formats provided or approved by ADVSD. If these criteria are not met, payment may be delayed or not authorized. Contractors delivering OPI, OPI-Exp and FCSP services will maintain a record of fees received from clients who pay a co-payment for their OPI and OPI-Exp funded services and report this information to ADVSD and ADVSD contract referral agencies on a monthly basis in a format approved by ADVSD. Payment is based on units of service. One unit of service is equal to one (1) hour of Personal Care Services. For Personal Care Services, contractor may bill up to three (3) hours at the personal care rate for each initial RN assessment that is authorized by the referring case manager. Subsequent reassessments may not be filled PERFORMANCE MEASURES/PERFORMANCE CONTRACTING Performance measures are provided on Buyer Attachment B - Performance Measures, located in the Buyer Attachment page of this Sourcing Event. CONTRACT NEGOTIATION Once selected in the allocation process, The County will initiate contract negotiations with the Proposer. Multnomah County may, at its option, elect to negotiate general contract terms and conditions, services, pricing, implementation schedules, and such other terms as the County determines are in the Countyâs best interest. If negotiations fail to result in a contract, the County reserves the right to terminate the negotiations and initiate contract negotiations with another qualified Proposer(s). This process may continue until a contract agreement is reached. CONTRACT AWARD AND ALLOCATION PROCESS This is a formal, competitive, Request For Programmatic Qualifications (RFPQ) process as provided for under the authority of PUR-1. No contracts will be issued as a result of this RFPQ process. Our intent is to establish pools of qualified vendors who will be eligible for potential contract awards. There is no limit on the number of vendors that may be qualified under this RFPQ process. Multnomah County strongly encourages the participation of Minority-Owned, Women-Owned, and Emerging Small Businesses and Organizations in providing these services. ALLOCATION PROCESS Entirely separate from this qualification process, DCHS will initiate and award requirements contracts to those qualified providers who demonstrate the desired experience, skills, proficiency, certifications, and area of specialty. DCHS will conduct a rigorous funds allocation process to distribute available funds according to known system requirements and priorities. Allocations will only be made to providers who previously qualified under this RFPQ. The funding allocation process will be a formal one, requiring DCHS to document their findings and determinations in writing that lead to specific funding allocations or to the continuation of funding allocations. Vendors may not protest funding allocation decisions. Funding allocation decisions will be made from an overall County system of care perspective. Allocation priorities and selection criteria may include: County and Department strategic priorities Overall system of care needs and deficiencies RFPQ proposal information and evaluation input from the RFPQ raters Provider/system stability Provider experience Funderimposed requirements or restrictions (i.e. nonprofit, designated vendor, etc.) Specific population coverage Services provided in clientâs native language Geographic service coverage Coverage of specific treatment modalities Ability to leverage additional funding Client needs (including psychological needs) and trends Certification status Other factors as deemed appropriate by the funding allocation team After Purchasing provides written Sourcing Event results to all Proposers and with the completion of the separate allocation process by ADVSD, ADVSD staff will contact the successful and qualified Proposer(s) who will receive an allocation for contract negotiations. The County will be awarding Requirements Contracts for these services. Requirements Contracts do not guarantee any level of funding and funding levels may change from year to year. All Proposers seeking to provide services must submit a proposal and receive a minimum of 70% of the total points possible in order to qualify. The County reserves the right to qualify additional suppliers for these services as it deems necessary. All qualified suppliers will be added to one vendor pool, from which contracts will be awarded through the allocation process. CONTRACT TERM Fixed term: The contract term shall be five (5) years. COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT ADVSD has capped the maximum allowable administrative costs at 12% of the total contracted program funds. Rates Rates should be proposed for each service, home care and personal care, on an hourly basis and based on actual costs. The contracted rates shall not be more than the Awarded Contractorâs usual and customary rate available to the community. Service Authorization OPI, OPI-Exp and FCSP services provided through these contracts will be authorized by case managers in ADVSD contract agencies. The number of hours authorized for each client will be based on the case managerâs formal assessment of needs of individual clients and are typically not more than twenty (20) hours per month per household. Historical Data In order to help prospective proposers prepare a realistic proposal, the following information is provided solely to give proposers a sense of the quantity and distribution of services historically purchased by ADVSD. It is not a guarantee of future service or funding levels. COOPERATIVE PURCHASING Not used for this Sourcing Event. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The Proposer awarded a Contract as a result of this RFPQ and the follow on allocation process will be required to provide the insurance described in Exhibit 2 of the Multnomah County Services Contract located in the Buyer Attachments page. Exhibit 2 of the Sample Contract reflects the minimum insurance required of a Contractor to provide this service. Additional insurance coverage may be required depending on the key features of service delivery chosen by the Contractor. Final insurance requirements will be subject to negotiation between, and mutual agreement of, the parties prior to contract execution. Type of Insurance Amount Per Occurrence Aggregate Type of Insurance Amount Per Occurrence Aggregate Professional Liability $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 Commercial Gen Liability $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 Commercial Auto Liability $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Sexual Abuse/Molestation $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 Workers Compensation Required MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS At the time of proposal submission, Proposers must meet the following minimum requirements. Failure to provide any of the required documents or meet any of the below requirements shall result in rejection of the proposal. The Proposal response must be received by Multnomah County Purchasing no later than 4:00 P.M. local Portland time on the proposal submission deadline. Proposer Representations and Certifications - The Proposer must certify that they agree to the Proposers Representation and Certification terms in the Prerequisite page of the Sourcing Event. At the time of Contracting, Proposers must meet the following minimum requirements. Failure to provide any of the required documents or meet any of the below requirements shall result in cancellation of the contract Proposers must be legal entities, currently registered to do business in the State of Oregon (per ORS 60.701). Proposers must submit verification that all insurance requirements are met. Proposers must have a completed PreAward Risk Assessment if federal funds are used for this Sourcing Event. (See Procedural Instructions in the Buyer Attachments page of this Sourcing Event) Proposers must have an Oregon State License for In-Home Care Agency at the âBasicâ licensing classification [] INCLEMENT WEATHER/EMERGENCY SITUATIONS: In the event of inclement weather or emergency situations, electronic bid or proposal submission date and times will remain unchanged. For construction/transportation bids that require additional documentation after bid opening, those documents will be required by 10:00 am on the first business day after County closure or delays. Please refer to the Sourcing Event for updated information, if any, on the time for Bid/Proposal submission.For Questions or Additional Information, Contact:
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Feb 8, 2020 |
About Multnomah County
We partner with COBID (Certification Office for Business Inclusion & Diversity) to ensure that supplier diversity is practiced and is a priority in our purchasing and contracting. Supplier Diversity means we are proactive in encouraging or mandating the use of COBID Certified Firms for contracts or subcontracts with the County. You can read more about our contracting equity here.
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