Project #: 3945-23
Issued by: City of Beaverton, OR
Bids Due Date: Oct 20, 2022 2:00PM (Pacific Daylight Time) add to calendar
Status: awarded
Award Notes: Awarded to Mental Health & Addiction Association of Oregon of Portland, OR at January 3, 2023, City Council Meeting. Posted January 19, 2023
Posted: Aug 31, 2022


The City of Beaverton is seeking sealed proposals from qualified consultants to provide behavioral health forensic peer support services.

The City of Beaverton has the busiest municipal court in Oregon. With approximately 1500-2000 criminal misdemeanor cases filed each year, the court is committed to reducing the number of individuals with mental illness from entering the criminal justice system and to provide additional assistance to those that do. To that end, the city has a multi-faceted approach to achieve this goal, including court diversion programs, specialty courts and other best practice interventions, including having peer support services available to Beaverton residents who are experiencing mental illness. Our vision includes the following goals:

a. Improve public safety by more effective monitoring and case handling of defendants with mental illness who are in the criminal justice system;

b. Reduce the number of defendants with mental illness in the Washington County Jail;

c. Reduce the number of mental health hospitalizations in Washington County;

d. Enhance the quality of life of individuals living with mental illness; and

e. Coordinate the delivery of mental health services and the criminal justice system and court’s response to defendants with mental illness.

Pre-Bid Conference

There is no pre-bid meeting.

Vendor Questions and Answers

Submitted Questions about this Bid

There are currently no questions that have been answered by City of Beaverton, OR.

For Questions or Additional Information, Contact:

Name: Michael Phillips
