[CLOSED] Vision Zero – Roosevelt Boulevard Automated Speed Enforcement Campaign
Issued by: | City of Philadelphia - Big Ideas PHL |
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Publish Date: | Dec 18, 2019 10:34AM |
Status: | Open |
CITY OF PHILADELPHIA Vision Zero – Roosevelt Boulevard Automated Speed Enforcement Campaign Speeding and automated speed enforcement awareness campaign BACKGROUND INFORMATION Traffic crashes are a serious health threat to Philadelphians. Every year in Philadelphia, our residents are subject to approximately 10,000 traffic crashes on Philadelphia streets, taking the lives of around 100 people and severely injuring 250 more. Philadelphia’s traffic death rate is over twice as high as New York City’s. The City of Philadelphia is proud to adopt Vision Zero; Vision Zero aims to eliminate all traffic deaths and severe injuries on Philadelphia streets by 2030, while increasing safety, health, and mobility for all. Vision Zero’s core principles are: Traffic deaths are preventable and unacceptable. Human life is our highest priority. Preserving human life takes priority over convenience. Philadelphia’s transportation system should be safe for all its users, in all neighborhoods. Human error is inevitable and unpredictable. Our transportation system should be designed to anticipate human error, so that the consequence is not death or severe injury. People are inherently vulnerable and speed is a fundamental predictor of crash survival. Our transportation system should be designed for speeds that protect human life. Vision Zero uses data-informed decision-making to prioritize improvements on Philadelphia streets with the highest need. In Philadelphia, fifty-percent (50%) of all traffic deaths and severe injuries occurred on just 12% of Philadelphia streets (PennDOT, 2012 – 2016). This 12% of streets comprises the High Injury Network. By prioritizing investments along these corridors, we can save lives and prevent severe injuries. Of these High Injury Network streets, one corridor has demonstrated outstanding need for safety improvements: Roosevelt Boulevard. Thirteen-percent (13%) of the City’s traffic deaths occurred on just 11.75 miles of Roosevelt Boulevard, between N. 9th Street and the City/County line (PennDOT, 2012 – 2016). And although crashes involving people walking and biking accounted for only 7% of all crashes on the Boulevard, they accounted for 30% of all deaths and severe injuries on the Boulevard. It is clear: Roosevelt Boulevard a Vision Zero priority. Currently, the City of Philadelphia, PennDOT, and SEPTA are partners on a program called the Roosevelt Boulevard “Route for Change” Program. The purpose of this planning study is to identify key engineering and policy recommendations and to envision more long-term transformative ideas, to create a more inviting corridor. The plan is expected to be finalized by the end of 2019 and provide the City and its agency stakeholders a road map for developing a series of improvements to create a more inviting corridor that is safe, accessible, and reliable for all modes. On October 19, 2018, the City joined the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) to celebrate an important announcement: the Pennsylvania State Legislature’s passage of SB 172, a bill that legalizes automated speed enforcement (ASE) along Roosevelt Boulevard, between 9th Street and the Philadelphia-Bucks county boundary in Philadelphia. The purpose of the automated speed enforcement is to increase safety and affect driver behavior by reducing the speed of vehicles traveling along Roosevelt Boulevard. As of March 2019, 15 states and 138 municipalities across the US have implemented Automated Speed Enforcement devices in school zones and along injury networks (IIHS). The utilization of automated speed enforcement is more widespread in Europe and Australia. A systematic review of speed camera effectiveness in Europe and Australia reported 14- to 65-percent reductions in vehicles traveling more than 10 MPH above the speed limit, and 11- to 44-percent reduction in crashes involving fatalities and serious injuries near camera sites (Wilson 2010, “Speed Cameras for the Prevention of Road Traffic Injuries and Deaths”). Currently, the City is working with City Council to develop the local legislation required to implement the ASE program along Roosevelt Boulevard. As part of preparing for an ASE program along Roosevelt Boulevard, the Managing Director’s Office of Transportation, Infrastructure, and Sustainability (OTIS) is seeking quotes for proposals to support the development a public awareness campaign that highlights the message that driver speeds kill, no matter how you travel. The public awareness campaign for the Roosevelt Boulevard ASE program will fall under the umbrella of the City’s Vision Zero We Meet in the Street campaign. The selected vendor will be responsible for: Developing a data-driven public awareness campaign strategy, including: Tagline to support the message that speeds kill, no matter how you travel the Boulevard Data-driven ad purchase recommendations, including but not limited to: Select radio station ads Select mobile ads Bus tail ads Transit shelter ads Data-driven ad placement recommendations, as applicable Public awareness campaign timeline/schedule Performance metric model Adapting the City’s existing Vision Zero campaign—We Meet in the Street—into key public awareness campaign materials specific and uniquely recognizable to the Roosevelt Boulevard ASE program: 1-2 radio ads 1 print media ad While the location for automated speed enforcement cameras is contained to Roosevelt Boulevard, between 9th and the City/County line, we know that people travel along the Boulevard from across the region, specifically from Bucks County, Montgomery County, and Burlington County in New Jersey. In addition, the selected vendor should demonstrate ability to develop ad campaigns that successfully engage a diverse audience. Task 1 deliverables will need to be interpreted into Spanish, Chinese, and Russian; the City will translate materials as needed. The City will adapt Task 2 printed media ad for use across mobile sites, social media, transit shelters, etc. Proposals must be under $34,000, and firms should demonstrate how they will successfully deliver the following two tasks. TASK 1: Roosevelt Boulevard Automated Speed Enforcement Public Awareness Campaign Strategy The selected vendor will develop a comprehensive data-driven, print and digital public awareness campaign strategy to ensure residents and people traveling along Roosevelt Boulevard are aware of the automated speed enforcement program and the importance of speed management. A successful campaign strategy should include: Tagline to support the message that speeds kill, no matter how you travel the Boulevard Data-driven ad purchase recommendations, including but not limited to: Select radio station ads Select mobile ads Select social media ads Bus tail ads Transit shelter ads Data-driven ad placement recommendations, as applicable Recommended public awareness campaign timeline to show frequency and coordination of a variety of messaging Performance metric model for the City to use to measure campaign upon implementation TASK 2: Roosevelt Boulevard Automated Speed Enforcement Public Awareness Campaign Materials The selected vendor will adapt the City’s existing Vision Zero campaign—We Meet in the Street—to create key public awareness campaign materials: Radio ad to raise awareness about the presence of automated speed enforcement cameras on Roosevelt Boulevard and the message that driver speeds kill, no matter how you travel. Radio ad should be in English and interpreted into Spanish, Chinese, and Russian. Print media advertisement to raise awareness about the presence of an automated speed enforcement program on Roosevelt Boulevard and the message that driver speeds kill, no matter how you travel. Selected vendor should be prepared to provide professional photography to support the Roosevelt Boulevard automated speed enforcement public awareness campaign. Photography should support the creative direction for the awareness campaign and may include both on-site streetscape and portrait photography. Successful applicant shall demonstrate proven ability to recruit participation of diverse Philadelphians—by age, race, and gender—in support of public awareness campaign. Successful applicant shall be willing to travel to Roosevelt Boulevard to capture photographs that are representative of the Boulevard and its residents. Creative design should be suitable for messages translated in Spanish, Chinese, Russian, and other languages as deemed fit. OTIS will provide translations. All deliverables must be made available to the City. All graphic deliverables must be made available in both the original, pdf, and native Adobe format to the City. Printing of literature, translations, and ad purchases will not be part of this request; they will be managed separately. All deliverables produced will become the property of the City. The City and selected vendor will work together to define a finalized scope of work, and tasks must be completed no later than June 28, 2019. RFP TIMELINE Successful respondents should be able to meet the following proposed deadlines: March 13, 2019 (9AM) Notice of City’s request for services distributed Tuesday, March 19, 2019 (5PM) Questions to due electronically toCharlotte.Castle@phila.gov Thursday, March 21, 2019 (5PM) Answers posted Tuesday, March 26, 2019 (5PM) Proposals due electronically to Charlotte.Castle@phila.gov April 1, 2019 (Week of) Successful company notified April 8, 2019 (Week of) Kick-off meeting Friday, June 28, 2019 All final work provided to OTIS OTIS will provide all details about Vision Zero, existing Vision Zero branding, Roosevelt Boulevard Route for Change, and any necessary information to assist with the planning and design of the campaign. Proposals are due by 5PM on Tuesday, March 26, 2019, and must be provided electronically to Charlotte Castle, Vision Zero & Neighborhood Programs Coordinator, City of Philadelphia Office of Transportation, Infrastructure, and Sustainability (OTIS), at Charlotte.Castle@Phila.gov. All questions must be submitted via email to Charlotte Castle by Tuesday, March 19, 2019 by 5PM. Responses will be provided to all questions via email on Thursday March 21, 2019 by 5PM. Proposals must include: BACKGROUND INFORMATION Name, address, and telephone number of firm. Description of Provider (corporation, sole proprietorship, partnership, consortium) and year formed. State if the firm is qualified to do business in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the City of Philadelphia. Include all that apply: Federal tax identification number; City of Philadelphia tax identification number; City of Philadelphia business license number. Name, title and business address of persons to whom communications respecting this activity should be directed, if different from above. ORGANIZATIONAL DESCRIPTION AND EXPERIENCE Complete the following information: Provide a general statement describing the firm, its size, number of employees, hours of operation and primary business areas. Provide a description of the firm’s experience performing similar size/type projects for similar size/type clients. Include dates, locations and scale of these services. Provide contacts for two (2) recent (within the last 3 years) clients for whom the firm has performed similar work. PROPOSED STAFFING & SCHEDULE Describe the staffing plan for this project. Please provide training and experience qualifications for each individual. Indicate the proposed timeline for completing the project for anticipated project tasks, including completion, and any key dependencies. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING & STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS All applicants must demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the project. All applicants must explain why they are qualified to perform the work required. All applicants must submit a minimum of two (2) work samples. COST PROPOSAL Proposals must be under $34,000. QUESTIONS RECEIVED & ANSWERS: QUESTIONS RECEIVED Question: Does that include the consultant fee and the media buys? Answer: Media buys will be handled and funded through a separate contract and funding source. Question: Also, radio commercials are produced by the station that your purchase unless you pay an agency to do it and you would definitely have to pay for all of the talent separately. It also risks the chance of the radio station audience not connecting to the ads. I also researched and the only world music station that we had in Philly was sold and no longer functioning. Just wondering where you would broadcast ads in Chinese and Russian. I suggest another route. Answer: We are open to the expertise of the selected vendor to reach our intended audiences. Question: For data driven ad placement/purchase recommendations, will Vision Zero be providing the data? Answer: We can provide general origins and destinations of people who travel along Roosevelt Boulevard. Based on this information and the vendor’s marketing expertise, we expect the vendor to make ad placement and purchase recommendations. Question: Is it OK to subcontract or partner with a firm that specializes in data collection and performance metrics? Answer: Yes, however, the contract limit for all prime vendor and subcontractors is no more than $34,000. Question: Will Vision Zero be providing the radio translation? If so, does the selected firm need to provide radio in 4 different languages? Or just in English. Answer: The City will be responsible for translating the radio ad script developed in English provided by the selected vendor. The vendor will then be responsible for securing the voice talent and the production of the radio ads in the 3 other languages.For Questions or Additional Information, Contact:
Name: Big Ideas PHL
Email: eContractPhilly@phila.gov
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