Greg Lathbury
2424 Northgate Drive
Suite 100
Salisbury, MD 21801
Wicomico County Public Schools
The WCPS Procurement Department acts as a liaison between businesses and all WCPS's schools, programs and departments. It is the responsibility of the WCPS Procurement Department to ensure all procurements are:
- Required to fill a bona fide need for the WCPS system;
- Made in compliance with all laws and regulations relating to purchases by a Local Educational Agency (LEA) within the State of Maryland; and
- Made with complete impartiality based strictly on the merits of supplier proposals and applicable related considerations such as delivery, quantity and past performance.
The WCPS Procurement Department manages formal solicitations including bids and proposals by:
- Working with various departments and schools to create solicitations for WCPS contracting opportunities;
- Evaluate and recommend awards for the best value to responsive, and responsible vendors/contractors: and
- Oversees resulting contracts and agreements including vendor relations, purchase order creation and closeout.
In addition, the WCPS Procurement Department encourages and supports cooperative purchasing, as outlined in the Annotated Code of Maryland, Education Article, Section 4-123, through such organizations as the Eastern Shore of Maryland Educational Consortium. It is the responsibility of the WCPS Procurement Department to:
- Identify contracts for use by the various WCPS schools, programs, and departments;
- Identify and recommend utilization (piggybacking) of appropriate existing governmental agency, regional or national cooperative contracts.
To learn more about the WCPS Procurement Department, please visit our website at:
Our Active Solicitations
We have no open bid or contracting opportunities at this time.
Recently Closed Solicitations
We have no recently closed solicitations at this time.
Our Solicitation History
You can see our complete solicitation history here.
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