Project #: 22-18 (RFP)
Category: Professional Services
Department: Development & Investment
Issued by: Prosper Portland
Publish Date: Apr 10, 2023 4:00PM
Proposals Due Date: Apr 25, 2023 2:00PM (Pacific Daylight Time) add to calendar
Status: Closed


Through this Request for Proposals (this “RFP”), Prosper Portland, (“Prosper Portland”), the duly authorized urban renewal and economic development agency for the City of Portland, Oregon (the “City”) requests competitive proposals from qualified and experienced property management firm (“Proposers”) for the management, maintenance, marketing, and leasing services at Union Station located at 800 SW 6th Avenue, Portland, OR 97209.  


This project has the following solicitation documents.

Pre-Proposal Conference Information

Reservations are required for the Pre-Proposal/Site Visit.  Please contact the Solicitation Coordinator with the numbers of attendees proposed to attend the Pre-Proposal/Site Visit. 

A Liability Release will be required to be signed by each participant.

Conference Date

Apr 18, 2023 1:00PM (Pacific Daylight Time) add to calendar

Before you can register your attendance, you will need to register your vendor profile with Prosper Portland using the "Register" button below.

Register with Prosper Portland

Vendor Questions and Answers

For Questions or Additional Information, Contact:

Direct all questions to Prosper Portland’s sole point of contact for this RFP:

Caleb Comas, Procurement Services Coordinator

Commodity Codes

Commodity Codes (NIGP):

Building And Facilities Management Services
Property Management Services

About Prosper Portland

We are the economic and urban development agency for the city of Portland.  We focus on building an equitable economy by carrying out a comprehensive range of economic development programs that support small business, improve access to workforce training, and create jobs for Portland residents. We work with partners to drive public attention and resources to different areas of the city, which helps Portland realize capital projects – parks, streetscape improvements, community centers –that would not happen on their own, making it a better place to live for all Portlanders.

Our Mission

To create economic growth and opportunity for Portland.

Our Vision

Portland is one of the most globally competitive, equitable, and healthy cities in the world.

Prosper Portland stimulates job creation, encourages broad economic prosperity, and fosters great places on behalf of the City of Portland.

We are a workplace of choice with passionate staff excelling in an open and empowering environment and sharing a commitment to our collective success.

Doing Business with Prosper Portland

If you're interested in doing business with us, we'd like to invite you to read our information for vendors, suppliers and contractors:
