Original Opportunity #: 21200228085024
Issued by: City of Philadelphia - eContract Philly
Publish Date: Mar 6, 2020 12:00AM
s Due Date: Apr 17, 2020 12:00AM (Eastern Standard Time) add to calendar
Status: Closed


Philadelphia Water Department (PWD, or Department), Office of Watersheds (OOW) is seeking qualified professionals to provide accurate spatial and temporal precipitation data to analyze the impact of rainfall and snowfall on combined and sanitary wastewater collection systems. Therefore the PWD desires to obtain accurate gauge-adjusted radar-rainfall data for the Greater Philadelphia region utilizing recent advances in weather radar and precipitation analysis techniques. The resulting precipitation data will be a combination of measured precipitation gauge data and weather radar data, geo referenced, gauge and bias corrected, and merged into a unified and consistent data set. The data set will provide a highly resolved estimate of the quantity, timing, and distribution of rainfall and snowfall over the entire project area. The data will be used for the purposes of hydrologic and hydraulic model calibration and the characterization of sewershed areas tributary to the PWD interceptor system in support of PWD operations, planning, regulatory compliance, and the Wet Weather Plan.


This project has the following solicitation documents. You will need to visit the agency's original website to download these documents.

Bid Document File Size Notes

For Questions or Additional Information, Contact:

Name: eContract Philly
Email: eContractPhilly@phila.gov

Solicitation Change History

Changes to This Listing:

Mar 17, 2020
Apr 1, 2020
Apr 10, 2020
