Project #: 2-2023-03
Issued by: Clackamas County
Publish Date: Mar 2, 2023 5:00PM
Bids Due Date: Mar 27, 2023 2:00PM (Pacific Daylight Time) add to calendar
Status: closed
Posted: Mar 2, 2023


Clackamas County is acquiring a 110-room hotel in March, 2023, with the support of a grant award from the State of Oregon’s Project Turnkey 2.0 program. Through this solicitation, the county is seeking to contract with one or more qualified respondent(s) to operate the site as transitional housing and carry out related Property Management and Supportive Services functions described in more detail below.

Transitional housing is an intermediate step between emergency shelter and long-term permanent housing. It is more long-term, service-intensive, and private than emergency shelter, yet is a time-limited stay with the goal of transitioning into a more permanent housing destination as soon as possible for participants. Transitional housing is intended for people who may benefit from some degree of structure, support, supervision, physical health services, mental health treatment, substance use treatment, and skill building to move from homelessness into stable, permanent housing. It provides a bridge for people who need a safe, supportive place where they can overcome trauma, begin to address the issues that led to their homelessness and the barriers to obtaining housing, and begin to rebuild their support network.

In the event HCDD’s funding sources for this program restrict use of funds, any contract resulting from this Program Offer will be subject to such restrictions. For example, if HCDD uses funds provided under the Metro Supportive Housing Services Measure, selected contracts will be obligated to perform the services requested under this Program Offer solely within the Metro jurisdictional boundary or as otherwise permitted by the applicable funding source.

For Questions or Additional Information, Contact:

Name: Procurement

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