Original Opportunity #: RFPQ-142-2020
Issued by: Multnomah County
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Publish Date: Apr 25, 2020 12:00AM
s Due Date: May 27, 2020 4:00PM (Pacific Standard Time) add to calendar
Status: Closed


Amendment 1 - Change language in TARGET POPULATION SERVED, Item 6.  Instructions for submission – Complete all questions for Groups 1 and 2 in the text boxes provided. Contracts will be allocated based on specific services in Group 3. Please respond to all questions in the subgroup(s) in Group 3.X that you wish to be considered for. You can answer in one or more subgroups.  Group 3.1: Culturally Specific Peer Delivered Services for Wraparound  Group 3.2: Consumer Leadership Development and Technical Assistance Group 3.3: Peer Support Specialist Training Group 3.4: Peer Led Education Group 3.5: Forensic Peer Support Specialists Group 3.6: Peer Brokerage Services No attachments are requested. PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE There will be an optional pre-proposal tele-conference for this Solicitation on May 6, 2020 at 2:00 pm PDT that will be available through Google Hangouts or Audio. You may access this meeting either through video/audio or just audio at the links below. Attendance at the pre-proposal conference is optional, however attendance is strongly encouraged. The Google links are: Join Hangouts Meet meet.google.com/iou-pkqe-spo Join by phone ‪+1 636-707-2399 PIN: ‪485 312 835# Attendance is: Optional SERVICE DESCRIPTION, FUNDING AND CONTRACTING INFORMATION PURPOSE AND OVERVIEW The Multnomah County Department of Health/Behavioral Health Division is seeking to qualify agencies to provide peer services, peer training, peer led education and technical assistance that are designed to support youth, families, and adult peers. The funding for these services is an approximate total of $2,750,000 over five years for all the service components listed below. Major service components include: Culturally Specific Family and Peer Partners for Wraparound Consumer Leadership Development and Technical Assistance Peer Support Specialist Training Peer Led Education Forensic Peer Support Specialists Peer Brokerage Services INTRODUCTION AND PROGRAM HISTORY Multnomah County’s Behavioral Health Division (BHD) is committed to improving the delivery of behavioral health services by assuring that peer voice is present and reflective of the population receiving behavioral health services in the County. As part of this effort, BHD is working to increase the involvement of individuals with lived experience, including youth, families and adults, in advocacy roles by providing education, training and support, that includes an emphasis on culturally specific services. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the values and philosophies that guide the development and operation of consumer self-help organizations are the driving forces behind their success. These values and philosophies are listed below: Empowerment – Proposers must promote the ability of consumers to make decisions that directly affect their own lives; Independence – Proposers must support consumers in striving for self-reliance and in pursuing opportunities to function as productive citizens; Responsibility – Proposers must encourage individuals to take responsibility for themselves and others; Choice – Proposers must promote an environment in which consumers can make informed choices about treatment, housing, and other services and supports; and Respect and Dignity – Proposers must promote the idea that all individuals are valued and have skills and strengths to offer society. BHD expects these same values to be integrated into any proposal for Peer Services submitted through this RFPQ. DEFINITIONS Peer Support Specialist: An individual providing peer delivered services to an individual or family member with similar life experience under the supervision of a qualified clinical supervisor and a qualified peer delivered services supervisor as resources are made available.  A peer support specialist shall be certified by the Authority’s Office of Equity and Inclusion as required by 410-180-0300-0380 and be:  (a) A self-identified individual currently or formerly receiving mental health or substance use services; (b) A self-identified individual in recovery from a substance use disorder who meets the abstinence requirements for recovering staff in substance use disorders treatment and recovery programs; (c) A self-identified individual in recovery from problem gambling; or (d) A person who has experience parenting a child who: (A) Is a current of former recipient of mental health or substance use treatment; or (B) Is facing or has faced difficulties in accessing education and health and wellness services due to a mental health or behavioral health barrier. Peer Delivered Services: community-based services and supports provided by peers, and peer support specialists, to individuals or family members with similar lived experience.  These services are intended to support individuals and families to engage individuals in on-going treatment as live successfully in the community. Peer Support and Peer Wellness Specialist Supervision: supervision by a qualified clinical supervisor and a qualified peer delivered services supervisor as resources are available. The supports provided include guidance in the unique discipline of peer delivered services and the roles of peer support specialists and peer wellness specialists. Peer Delivered Services Supervisor: a qualified individual, with at least one year of experience as a PSS or PWS in behavioral health treatment services, to evaluate and guide PSS and PWS program staff in the delivery of peer delivered services and supports. SERVICES SOLICITED Culturally Specific Family and Peer Partners for Wraparound  BHD is soliciting Peer Partners to support Care Coordination Programs that serve youth, families and adults experiencing complex behavioral health problems. Peer Partners are integral to Care Coordination Teams and work collaboratively with the team to involve the individuals and their natural supports in meeting the youth’s needs and coordinating care. Incorporation of peer partners with lived experience with mental health systems helps increase resilience and increases the ability to remain in the community. To decrease disparities and improve outcomes, it is imperative that Peer Partners reflect the diverse population served including bi/multilingual and bi/multicultural peers. Consumer Leadership Development and Technical Assistance As part of its effort to deliver family driven mental health services, BHD is soliciting providers who can provide Consumer Leadership Development and Technical Assistance to support mental health services, and increase the involvement of consumers in mental health policy-making groups and advocacy roles; and provide technical assistance to its mental health service providers about the provision of peer delivered services. Consumer Leadership and Technical Assistance services will be provided in ways to coordinate advocacy and outreach.  These services will increase the involvement of family members, youth and adults in mental health decision-making bodies and advance local efforts to reach out to, engage, train and support others who will be involved in advocacy and are willing to share their experiences with policy makers. They will offer educational and technical assistance to mental health administrators, providers, and others about the experience of families and youth within the BHD system and how to improve service delivery; education, support and advocacy for community members. They will coordinate a consumer and family response to proposed state and federal legislation and give technical assistance about peer-delivered services to BHD's service providers. Peer Support Specialist Training    Contractor will provide a Peer Support Specialist Training Coordinator.  The Coordinator will complete an Oregon Health Authority approved “Peer support specialist training,” and shall be certified as a peer specialist. Peer Support Specialist training will consist of a minimum of 40 hours of training for individuals able to meet the full Oregon Health Authority Peer Support Specialist Definition upon completion of the course. Four (4) courses shall be offered free of charge to 48 individuals annually. Priority for enrollment in courses offered will be given to applicants employed by county funded community mental health programs and NorthStar members. Nothing in this contract shall prohibit Contractor from charging a course fee equivalent to the funding in this contract available per participant after the target of 48 individuals have completed the training. Peer-led Education Contractor will provide peer led education/support sessions for individuals receiving behavioral health services in the County, designed to assist individuals in establishing and maintaining wellness. Contractor shall provide a best-practice peer-led education course, led by individuals who have experience living with behavioral health challenges.  Trainer(s) shall provide four (4) eight - ten week peer education courses annually, serving 12 individuals per course. Contractor will strive to assure that the education Courses, individual participants and instructors are reflective of the population receiving behavioral health services in the County. Forensic Peer Support Specialists Forensic Peer Support Specialists work with BHD Diversion Programs, offering support to consumers who are justice system involved, focusing on outreach, engagement and support.  Peer support may be provided for individuals receiving residential services, care coordination, commitment services, or other services benefitting these individuals. Peer Brokerage Services Peer Brokerage services provide peer system support and planning, which includes defining needed individual services, planned supports, individualized budgets based on available resources and creating individual recovery. In this process, the client referred is the driving force as it is their strength, gifts and interests that create the person-centered plan. Contractor can develop a program that will work with both Recovery Planning/Support and Housing Support through Peer services. Service components included in this procurement are Recovery Planning/Support and Housing Peer Support Services. TARGET POPULATION SERVED  The target population to be served by this procurement includes both adult consumers (18 and older), and children and youth who are receiving behavioral health services, and their family members.  Individuals must be Multnomah County residents who are on the Oregon Health Plan or are receiving BHD funded services and are enrolled with a contracted community behavioral health provider through Health Share of Oregon and/or BHD. Specific target populations for individual services within the array are as follows: Culturally Specific Family and Peer Partners for Wraparound: 0-18. Children and youth may continue in some services past the age of 18 but must be admitted prior to the age of 18. Consumer Leadership Development and Technical Assistance: Youth, Teens and Adults with mental health lived experience or having a family member with mental health lived experience. Peer Support Specialist Training for adults in the system of care,  who identify as having a mental health challenge and wish to complete 40 hours of training in order to apply their lived experience to support others with similar challenges. Peer led education: Sessions for adults in the system of care to support wellness. Forensic Peer Support Specialists:  Individuals, aged 18 and older,  with Serious and Persistent Mental Illness (SPMI) who are involved with justice or law enforcement solely due to a mental health reason and are charged with low-level crimes, resulting in the reduction or avoidance of arrests, jail admissions, lengths of stay in jail, and recidivism through the availability of alternative community-based services, programs, or treatments. Peer Brokerage Services: There are two populations to be served by this procurement: Adults (18 and older) and Transition Aged Youth (age 18-25). The services are restricted to each population by the funding sources. The Customer must be: Either living in a licensed residential or Enhanced Care Facility (ECF) for individuals with psychiatric diagnoses; Able to participate fully in a Customer centered planning process; and Is not actively abusing drugs and alcohol.  6. Peer Brokerage Services: There are two populations to be served by this procurement: Adults (18 and older, Multnomah County Brokerage) and Transition Aged Youth (age 18-25, Sustainable Housing Brokerage). The services are restricted to each population by the funding sources.  Multnomah County Brokerage (MCB): The Contractor shall provide MCB services to a minimum of 10 adults.  To be eligible for MCB services, the member must be an adult Multnomah County resident that has chosen to use MCB for assistance with creation of a personal development plan, creation of a goal achievement plan, and design and management of personal supports.  Sustainable Housing Brokerage (SHB): The Contractor shall provide Sustainable Housing Brokerage services up to five (5) transition-aged youth mental health members.  Participants will be Multnomah County residents who are enrolled in EASA or TAY programs (ages 16-25) , who have an SPMI diagnosis, who are homeless or at risk for homelessness or living in a licensed residential or Enhanced Care Facility.  GOALS, VALUES AND OTHER IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS Multnomah County is interested in proposals which demonstrate competency in meeting the needs of the following specific demographic groups, as well as any others not mentioned, who experience disproportionate disparities access/care in any of the program types listed above such as : Culturally Specific Services for African American, Latinx, Native, LGBTQ+ and Refugee Populations Individuals with Developmental Disabilities who also have a mental health diagnosis Minor victims of sex trafficking Recent immigrants Youth who are moving from the children’s system into the adult system of care Individuals for whom English is a second language Individuals experiencing poverty Individuals who experience severe and persistent mental illness and who are at risk for homelessness Individuals that experience justice involvement Through this procurement, Proposers will have the opportunity to provide more detail on any expertise they have with any specific demographic populations served (including groups not specifically mentioned above). The overall mission of BHD is to build and maintain high quality, accessible, and culturally competent systems of care for children, youth and adults with behavioral health challenges. BHD endorses a recovery philosophy and believes that treatment should bBeha has budgeted approximately $1,125,697  annually, a mix of federal, state and local funding for geographic area services.  The funding sources for the resulting contracts, if any, include: Oregon Health Plan; State General Fund; and County General Funds.  If revenue from any of these sources is reduced or increased, this may affect funding for resulting contracts. In addition, funding levels may fluctuate based on: consumer enrollment, needs and trends; and changes in State and local policies and priorities. Funding of the work described in this RFPQ is not guaranteed. Fluctuations in funding year to year should be expected. The County cannot assure that any particular level of work will be provided and the contract will permit the County to add or remove work as necessary depending on availability of funding. Additional weight for funding decisions is made based on the populations being served, with more weight given to those organizations who serve populations below poverty and those who constitute minority populations. Table indicates the annual anticipated funding for each service category.  Actual funding levels may be different from the estimates shown and are provided for competitive procurement planning purposes only.   Type Anticipated annual funding Culturally Specific Family and Peer Partners for Wraparound $271,897  Consumer Leadership Development and Technical Assistance  $78,000 Peer Support Specialist Training $77,300 Peer Led Education $35,500                 Forensic Peer Support Specialists $125,000 Peer Brokerage Services $538,000 SCOPE OF SERVICES BHD is seeking organizations that can provide Peer Support Specialists to deliver Peer-Delivered Services.  These services are intended to support individuals and families to engage in ongoing treatment and to live successfully in the community. The awarded proposer (Contractor) must meet the definition of Peer Support Specialist, as defined by State of Oregon, and shall be certified by OHA as Peer Support Specialists no later than contract start date. Peers will represent the culturally diverse communities served in Multnomah County in both culture and language. BHD is specifically soliciting Family Partners for the Wraparound Youth Care Coordination Program. Wraparound is a fidelity based model that incorporates both Family and Youth Peer Partners in team planning process with youth, their family and community partners/providers to develop unified, strengths-based plan to address individualized needs. For children and youth participating in Wraparound services, their plan of care is youth-driven, family-guided, culturally responsive, multi-disciplinary and includes both formal and natural supports. The goal is to help children address mental health needs in order to be healthy, successful in school, and to remain in their communities. Peer partners work on the wraparound care coordination team to provide support to the individual’s treatment goals. To decrease disparities in outcomes it is important Wraparound Family Peer Partners reflect the diverse population served including bi/multilingual and bi/multicultural peers. Family Peer partners provide family support which includes support to caregivers at community meetings, assistance to families in system navigation and managing multiple appointments, supportive home visits, peer support, parent mentoring and coaching, advocacy, and furthering efforts to develop natural and informal community supports. Wraparound Family Partners shall meet the requirements for Family Support Specialists and Youth Partners shall meet the requirements outlined in OAR 410-180-0305. They may receive support or technical assistance from a family organization and shall, at a minimum: (a) Complete a Division-approved Wraparound foundational training within 90 days of the hire date; (b) Receive peer supervision in accordance with OAR 309-019-0130; (c) Provide peer delivered services and supports to no more than 15 families at any time when in a full-time position; (d) Support family members and guardians to: (A) Navigate the child-, youth-, and family-serving systems; (B) Communicate effectively with family members, their support system, and agency representatives; and (C) Make informed decisions to direct the Wraparound process; (e) Provide individual and group support to enable and facilitate meaningful engagement with Wraparound team and service providers; and (f) Assist in connecting the family to resources within the community, support the family through barriers, help family members to acquire tools and strategies for success and advocate for the family’s needs, interests, voice, and vision to be heard and thoughtfully considered. Care Coordination recognizes the importance of delivering strengths-based, trauma-informed services that take into account identities, culture and community. Peer Services will utilize an equity lens and be coordinated within larger systems to reduce fragmentation. The services will: Be culturally responsive and intersectional Work to remove system barriers Be responsive and appropriate to the unique demographics of the Oregon Health Plan (OHP) members in Multnomah County Incorporate youth, family, guardian, adult voice in services and provide integration of health, mental health and addiction services Utilize Evidence based practices Integrate the coordination of behavioral and primary care health services whenever possible Be Strengths-based, recovery-focused services designed to prevent further disruption of children from their life at home, school and community Ensure the availability of a full continuum of accessible, effective mental health services Listen to families about how best to serve them and their children; Improve the availability and competency of the culturally specific services delivered Collaborate with our community partners to incorporate family feedback into the mental health service array and at other partner agencies serving children. Peers, including family and youth peers, will provide the following: Provide information, education, and technical assistance for individuals to make informed  decisions about needs Determine needs, plan supports in response to needs, and develop plans Assist individuals to effectively put plans into practice, including helping to monitor and improve the quality of supports, as well as assess and revise plan goals. Find and arrange the resources to provide planned supports, and facilitate development and expansion of community resources required to meet the support needs of individuals served. Provide information, education, and technical assistance for individuals to make informed decisions about needs and to direct support providers. Consumer Leadership Development and Technical Assistance BHD is committed to improving the delivery of mental health services to children, youth, families and adults.  As part of this effort, BHD is working to increase the involvement of client voice mental health policy-making groups and advocacy roles in order to create and improve family driven services.  Consumer Leadership Development and Technical Assistance programs will focus on any strategies that work to increase the involvement of family members and youth in mental health advisory committee meetings, steering committees, and other decision-making forums.  The main goal is to further local efforts of outreach, engagement, training and support of families and youth who will be involved in advocacy and are willing to share their experiences with policy makers, including participation in the following forums: Community Care Coordination Committee (C-4); Children’s Mental Health System Advisory Committee (CMHSAC); County Mental Health provider network; and County School Aged Mental Health programs. Consumer Leadership Development and Technical Assistance Programs will provide educational and technical assistance to mental health administrators, providers, juvenile justice, child welfare, education, developmental disabilities and others on the experience of families and youth within the system and provide input on how to improve service delivery across the system.  These services will provide education, support and advocacy for families who are involved in BHD Mental Health Programs and whose children are involved in the mental health system. Ideally, services would provide the needed support for the coordination of a family response to legislation and policy decisions proposed at the local and state levels.  Programs shall include specific components which: Increase the involvement of family members and youth in mental health advisory committee meetings, steering committees, Community Care Coordination Committee (C-4), Children’s Mental Health System Advisory Committee (CMHSAC), BHD mental health provider network, school aged mental health programs, and other decision making bodies; Advance local outreach efforts, engagement, training and support of families and youth who will be involved in advocacy and willing to share their experiences with policy makers; Provide educational and technical assistance to mental health administrators, providers, juvenile justice, child welfare, education, developmental disabilities and others on the experience of families and youth within the system and how to improve service delivery;  Provide education, support and advocacy for families who are involved in BHD mental health programs and whose children are involved in the mental health system;  Coordinate a family response to legislation and policy decisions proposed at the local and state levels;  Provide other activities that will improve and enhance effective service delivery; Abide by confidentiality rules according to the Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) and in compliance with HIPAA as a Business Associate of the County; and Provide services in a culturally competent manner. Consumer Leadership Development and Technical Assistance programs should also demonstrate that supporting staff possess key qualities important to the success of the program.  These qualifications include: Good communication and organizational skills; Familiarity with issues of poverty, race, ethnicity and the impact those issues have on day to day life; The ability to relate to and develop youth voice within the county; and Familiarity with common family perspectives on receiving mental health services and other services within the child serving system. Peer Support Specialist Training BHD is committed to increasing the behavioral health workforce with certified Peer Support Specialists.  As part of this effort, BHD is seeking a contractor who is a certified Peer Support Specialist and can effectively deliver an OHA approved 40 hour Peer Support Specialist training designed to certify individuals as Peer Support Specialists.  Training must be provided in a culturally responsive manner.  The contractor will develop and implement an outreach plan to engage a diverse group of participants in terms of race/ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, and other traditionally underserved populations. The culturally responsive peer trainings need to be led by a member of that community.  The overall training should instill core competencies, including, but not limited to: RECOVERY-ORIENTED: Peers hold out hope to those they serve, partnering with them to envision and achieve a meaningful and purposeful life. Peers help those they serve identify and build on strengths and empower them to choose for themselves, recognizing that there are multiple pathways to recovery. PERSON-CENTERED: Peer support services are always directed by the person participating in services. Peer support is personalized to align with the specific hopes, goals, and preferences of the individual served and to respond to specific needs the individuals has identified to the peer. VOLUNTARY: Peers are partners to those they serve. They do not dictate the types of services provided or the elements of recovery plans that will guide their work with peers. Participation in peer support services is always contingent on peer choice. RELATIONSHIP-FOCUSED: The relationship between peers is the foundation on which peer support services are provided. The relationship between the peers is respectful, trusting, empathetic, collaborative, and mutual. TRAUMA-INFORMED: Peer support utilizes a strengths-based framework that emphasizes physical, psychological, and emotional safety and creates opportunities for individuals to build a sense of empowerment. Upon completion of training, the Peer Support Specialist should be able to perform a wide range of activities, including, but not limited to: Advocating for people in recovery Sharing resources and building skills Building community and relationships Leading recovery groups Mentoring and setting goals Documenting services appropriately Abiding by required standards for confidentiality, ethics and all other Oregon Administrative Rules related to Traditional Health Workers. The goals of these activities, include, but are not limited to: Increased social functioning Increased empowerment and hope Increased quality of life and satisfaction Reduced use of inpatient services Decreased costs to the mental health system Decreased self-stigma Increased community engagement Increased engagement in treatment Peer Led Education Peer-based interventions, which are based on the idea that those who have experienced mental health challenges can offer help and support to others, have become increasingly popular over the past decades.  Mutual assistance regarding mental health challenges is beginning to include more structured class-type programs alongside the array of peer delivered services, support groups, and drop-in centers. Evaluations of more structured programs have indicated positive outcomes for participants, including improved wellness, increased self-esteem, enhanced self-awareness and skill development. BHD endorses the value of peer led/peer delivered services.  In order to better support individuals in their chosen path of recovery, BHD is seeking a Contractor to provide four peer led 8 - 10 week education series annually based on best practices for supporting individuals with mental health challenges.  The course will include a combination of lecture, interactive exercises and structured group processes.  Contractor will serve a minimum of 12 individuals per series, with a completion rate of 80%.  Services will be delivered in a culturally responsive manner, and be reflective of the population of individuals receiving behavioral health services in Multnomah County.  The contractor will develop and implement an outreach plan to engage a diverse group of participants in terms of race/ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, and other traditionally underserved populations. The peer leader will be a member of the community of the culture being served. Forensic Peer Support Specialists Jail Diversion Services increase Mental Health’s interaction with Individuals with Serious and Persistent Mental Illness (SPMI) who are involved with justice or law enforcement solely due to a mental health reason and are charged with low-level crimes, resulting in the reduction or avoidance of arrests, jail admissions, lengths of stay in jail, and recidivism through the availability of alternative community-based services, programs, or treatments. Forensic Peer Support Specialists work with BHD Diversion Programs, offering support to individuals who are justice system involved, focusing on outreach, engagement and support. Services  A. Project Coordination: includes but is not limited to: Coordinate/collaborate with Diversion Program Manager Develop communications plans Follow communication policies Collaborate to investigate, research, and plan the development and implementation of a Forensic Peer Support Specialist Training program Participate in orientation process Identify representative(s) to attend monthly Peer Action Council meetings and assist in providing expertise and technical assistance support as needed. Attend weekly Diversion staff meetings, weekly Mental Health Court staffing meetings, court hearings, and/or monthly Mental Health Court Operations meetings as needed. Contractor will recommend staff to attend monthly, on-going cultural competency trainings provided by this project as deemed relevant. B. Peer Delivered Services and Peer Supervision: Contractor will hire, train, and supervise at total of 1.5 FTE Forensic Peer Support Specialists to work with BHD Diversion Programs - Mental Health Court and Forensic Diversion Program. Contractor will identify and fill a total of 1.5 FTE staff positions named in the project budget and ensure that staff are properly credentialed, experienced, trained, supervised, and supported to ensure the successful fulfillment of related activities and goals of the project. Contractor will work closely with Diversion Program Manager to develop job descriptions, position announcements, and recruitment plan. Contractor will screen and identify qualified candidates, communicate with Diversion Program Manager throughout the interview/ selection process, and involve Diversion Program Manager and staff in selection of final applicants. Peer Support Specialists hired by Contractor will have received a State of Oregon certification as a Peer Support Specialist, Recovery Mentor, Peer Wellness, and/or other comparable State-approved training prior to hire or within an approved period of time after hire as determined by Contractor and communicated to County prior to hire. Contractor will provide Diversion Program Manager with regular updates throughout the orientation/ on-boarding process, including projected timeline for start dates, orientation completion, etc. Contractor will provide peer supervision for hired PSS, including: regular/ ongoing individual and group supervision. Contractor will update Diversion Program Manager as to the supervision plan. Contractor will provide orientation, training, and on-going professional development opportunities for hired Forensic Peer Support Specialist staff. Contractor will keep in close communication with Diversion Program Manager and provide updates regarding any significant staffing/ supervision issues and/or changes. Contractor will provide technical assistance to Diversion staff to ensure successful integration of Forensic Peer Support staff within existing Diversion program models and integrated court teams. This may include consultation, training recommendations, providing information, problem-solving barriers, etc. Contract will work in partnership with Diversion Program Manager and staff, court partners, and other service providers to encourage communication and collaboration regarding the development of person-directed plans for participants and progress towards meeting recovery/life goals. Contractor will comply with all HIPAA regulations and all applicable local, state, and federal laws regarding privacy and confidentiality while delivering peer support services and working with Diversion staff and community partners. C. Peer Support (101-201) Training and Technical Assistance Contractor will provide Peer Support 101 training for Diversion staff, including training components/ competencies such as: history of peer support, common myths, competencies, certification, roles of a PSS, person-directed planning, etc. Contractor will provide a comparable Peer Support 101 training for the Mental Health Court team and court partners. Contractor will provide 1-2 larger trainings for up to 40 participants yearly on Peer Support 101/ Benefits of Peer Support for community partners. County will develop pre and post tests and participant evaluations for all trainings with feedback from Contractor. County will track and analyze all training data as part of the local program evaluation. County and Contractor will collaborate to schedule trainings. County will provide logistical coordination of all trainings. Peer Brokerage Services Peer Brokerage Services contains two related services: Recovery Planning/Support Brokerage Services and Housing Peer Brokerage Services. BHD is seeking one (1) licensed brokerage agency for peer-delivered recovery-based services with the following requirements: Brokerage Services as required to meet individual support needs of appropriate mental health consumers; Determine needs, plan supports in response to needs, and develop individualized budgets based on available resources; Find and arrange the resources to provide planned supports, facilitate development and expansion of community resources required to meet the support needs of individuals served. Provide information, education, and technical assistance for individuals to make informed decisions about needs and to direct to support providers; Deliver fiscal intermediary activities in the receipt and accounting of brokerage funds on behalf of an individual in addition to make payment with the authorization of the individual; Provide employment-related supports, assisting individuals to fulfill roles and obligations as employees when plans call for such arrangement; and Assist individuals to effectively put plans into practice, including help to monitor and improve the quality of supports as well as assess and revise plan goals. FISCAL REQUIREMENTS AND REPORTING At the time of contracting, as a part of the allocation process, Multnomah County will consider the relative fiscal structure and stability of potential awardees.  This Financial Information packet will be provided directly to BHD for review and will be used in the allocation process after the qualification the process is complete.  If your agency is allocated funding, you will be required to submit one (1) Fiscal Information packet. You do not need to submit this at time of proposing. The Financial Information packet will include: A copy of the most recent independent audit including related management letters and auditor’s letter on internal control, if issued; Most recent detailed year-to-date budget vs. actual income statement; Most recent detailed balance sheet; Fiscal organizational chart with titles, pertinent certification, length of time in position (include an explanation for any position where the staff person has been in the position less than one year); Board of Directors membership listing with committee assignment(s) and length of term; Disclosure and explanation of any pending litigation; Description and explanation of any outstanding loans – including: loan term, amount, and bank or lender information; Explanation of any instance of fraud within the organization, its affiliates, or its subcontractors within the last three years; and Signed certification from highest ranking executive as to the accuracy of the information provided. PERFORMANCE MEASURES/PERFORMANCE CONTRACTING In order to track customer satisfaction, effectiveness of services provided, and successful performance; BHD will be including program goals, performance measures and expected targets for each of the service areas.  Due to changes in funding, program design or needs of the populations being served; performance measures may be amended during the five (5) year period covered by this RFPQ.  The following list provides examples of the general areas of performance measurement that BHD is planning to include in the contracts for each of the service areas.  This is not an exhaustive list.  BHD may delete, modify or add measures at the time of contracting and will establish performance targets for each measure.    Culturally Specific Family and Peer Partners for Wraparound Increase number of youth in youth care coordination programs that have access to peer and family partners Number of youth/families served by Peer Partners Increase number of contact youth in youth care coordination programs that have access to peer and family partners Hours per week of contact by Peer Partners Increase culturally specific providers for Multnomah County Youth in Wraparound program Demographics of peer partner staff aligns with the demographics of youth served Consumer Leadership Development and Technical Assistance Increase youth involvement in and participation on the Children’s Mental Health System Advisory Council (CMHSAC). Increase family member participation in CMHSAC. Enhance consumer voice regarding mental health services. Provide technical assistance to community providers regarding ways to involve consumers and their families in the care received. Peer Support Specialist Training Increase behavioral health work force with certified peers to enhance service delivery to consumers of behavioral health services by providing four trainings per year, with a minimum of 12 individuals who successfully complete the course. Increase diversity of certified peers to support underserved populations through outreach to underserved communities, and inclusion of culturally specific curriculum. Peer Led Education Provide structured education sessions with the goal of improving wellness based on consumer self-report Forensic Peer Support Specialists The performance measures are connected to program goals, including the following: Increase the engagement of peers in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of a unified community approach to improve and expand successful diversion options and high quality treatment opportunities for the targeted population. Reduce the number of future criminal justice contacts among the targeted population of individuals who have successfully completed a diversion program by 25% in the first two years and by 45% in subsequent years. Expand access of identified sub-groups vulnerable to health disparities (individuals of color, women, veterans, and individuals that identify as LBGTQ) to quality Peer Support services that are culturally responsive. Enhance the knowledge base of professionals throughout the system to ensure better understanding, identification, referral, treatment, and care of targeted individuals. Deliverables include:  Quantitative:  Enrollment data, number of sessions and person-centered plans developed. Qualitative:  Individual success stories, encountered barriers. Peer Brokerage Services Recovery Planning/Support Brokerage Services: 100% of Customers will have developed a Person-Direct Plan (PDP) and Goal Attainment Plan (GAP) within 60 days of enrollment.  90% of Customers will respond in Customer Questionnaire that they have increased empowerment over baseline self report. 50% or more of Customers will respond in Customer Questionnaire that they are satisfied or very satisfied with Recovery Planning/Support Brokerage service. Housing Peer Brokerage Services: 90% of Customers will transition from State Hospital or licensed residential treatment facility to community housing. 100% of Customers will have developed a Person-Direct Plan (PDP), Goal Attainment Plan (GAP) and Housing GAP within 60 days of enrollment. 90% of Customers will respond in Customer Questionnaire that they have increased empowerment over baseline self report. 50% or more of Customers will respond in Customer Questionnaire that they are satisfied or very satisfied with Peer Wellness Brokerage service. Contractor shall participate with the County in evaluation of contracted project/service outcomes, satisfaction surveys, or performance, and to make available all information required by such evaluation process. This includes providing County with data necessary to verify Customer counts, service provision, and outcome measures. Customer Questionnaire will be developed by the Contractor no later than 30 days after start of contract and approved by the County. The County and Contractor will finalize expectations of Performance Measures at time of Contract Negotiation. EVALUATIONS/PROGRAM PERFORMANCE Program performance will be evaluated through other quality assurance / evaluation processes, which may include but are not limited to: Census validation audits, including intensity of services received by each consumer/peer, performance audits for achieving consumer/peer service outcomes. Provider self-assessments. Consumer/peer satisfaction surveys and complaint resolution processes. Compliance review for contract standards and performance criteria. Compliance reviews for reporting requirements, including use of the County’s data collection systems. Referral source satisfaction surveys. Any State and County mandated level of care and outcome measurement tool, to be submitted to the County in the designated timeline and manner. FISCAL COMPLIANCE County fiscal compliance reviews will be conducted to ensure that financial records, systems and procedures conform to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and are in compliance with all County and State audit and accounting requirements. CONTRACT NEGOTIATION Once selected in the allocation process, The County will initiate contract negotiations with the Proposer. Multnomah County may, at its option, elect to negotiate general contract terms and conditions, services, pricing, implementation schedules, and such other terms as the County determines are in the County’s best interest. If negotiations fail to result in a contract, the County reserves the right to terminate the negotiations and initiate contract negotiations with another qualified Proposer(s). This process may continue until a contract agreement is reached. CONTRACT AWARD AND ALLOCATION PROCESS This is a formal, competitive, Request For Programmatic Qualifications (RFPQ) process as provided for under the authority of PUR-1. No contracts will be issued as a result of this RFPQ process. Our intent is to establish pools of qualified vendors who will be eligible for potential contract awards. There is no limit on the number of vendors that may be qualified under this RFPQ process. Multnomah County strongly encourages the participation of Minority-Owned, Women-Owned, and Emerging Small Businesses and Organizations in providing these services. ALLOCATION PROCESS Entirely separate from this qualification process, the Department of Health/Behavioral Health Division (BHD) will initiate and award requirements contracts to those qualified providers who demonstrate the desired experience, skills, proficiency, certifications, and area of specialty that will meet the identified needs for peer services. BHD will conduct a rigorous funds allocation process to distribute available funds according to known system requirements and priorities. Allocations will only be made to providers who previously qualified under this RFPQ. The funding allocation process will be a formal one, requiring the BHD to document their findings and determinations in writing that lead to specific funding allocations or to the continuation of funding allocations. Vendors may not protest funding allocation decisions. Funding allocation decisions will be made from an overall County system of care perspective. Allocation priorities and selection criteria may include: County and Department strategic priorities Overall system of care needs and deficiencies RFPQ proposal information and evaluation input from the RFPQ raters Provider/system stability Provider experience Number and type of funded slots/beds Funder imposed requirements or restrictions (i.e. nonprofit, designated vendor, etc.) Specific population coverage Services provided in consumer’s native language Geographic service coverage Coverage of specific treatment modalities Community feedback (Consumers, referral sources, etc.) Ability to leverage additional funding Consumer needs (including psychological needs) and trends Provider economy of scale Past performance (recidivism rates, engagement, etc.) Certification status Extent of provision of like services by any one agency Other factors as deemed appropriate by the funding allocation team Since the allocation process considers a variety of factors, funding may go to qualified Proposers who did not earn the highest overall RFPQ qualified score. Therefore, it will be possible to qualify under this RFPQ process and not receive a funding allocation due to resource limitations and other factors. The Division cannot predict a case load for these services and does not guarantee any particular volume of business will be offered to any applicant who qualifies to provide services, nor is there any guarantee that BHD will use the services of any applicant who is issued a contract by virtue of this application. After Purchasing provides written solicitation results to all Proposers and with the completion of the separate allocation process by the BHD, Division staff will contact the successful and qualified Proposer(s) who will receive an allocation for contract negotiations. The County will be awarding Requirements Contracts for these services. Requirements Contracts do not guarantee any level of funding and funding levels may change from year to year. All Proposers seeking to provide services must submit a proposal and receive a minimum 70% of the total points possible in order to qualify. The County reserves the right to qualify additional suppliers for these services as it deems necessary. All qualified suppliers will be added to one vendor pool, from which contracts will be awarded through the allocation process. CONTRACT TERM Fixed term with options   The contract term shall be two years. The County shall have the option to renew this contract for a maximum of three additional years, depending on start date. All contracts will start by July 1, 2021. COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT Payment will be based on Cost Reimbursement upon submission of an invoice and a report of services delivered.  COOPERATIVE PURCHASING   Not Used for this sourcing event. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Exhibit 2, located in the Buyer Attachments page of this sourcing event, reflects the minimum insurance required of a Contractor to provide this service. Additional insurance coverage may be required depending on the key features of service delivery chosen by the Contractor. Final insurance requirements will be subject to negotiation between, and mutual agreement of, the parties prior to contract execution. Minimum insurance requirements: Type of Insurance Amount Per Occurrence Aggregate Professional Liability   $1,000,000     Commercial Gen Liability   $2,000,000 $4,000,000 Commercial Auto Liability   $2,000,000 $4,000,000 Workers Compensation   As Required     Sexual Abuse/Molestation Liability   $1,000,000 $2,000,000 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS At the time of proposal submission, Proposers must meet the following minimum requirements. Failure to provide any of the required documents or meet any of the below requirements shall result in rejection of the proposal. The Proposal response must be received by Multnomah County Purchasing no later than 4:00 P.M. Pacific Standard Time on the proposal submission deadline. Proposer Representations and Certifications: The Proposer must certify that they agree to the Proposers Representation and Certification terms in the Pre-requisite page of the Sourcing Event. At the time of Contracting, Proposers must meet the following minimum requirements. Failure to provide any of the required documents or meet any of the below requirements shall result in cancellation of the contract: Proposers must be legal entities, currently registered to do business in the State of Oregon (per ORS 60.701). Proposers must submit verification that all insurance requirements are met. Proposers must have a completed Pre-Award Risk Assessment if federal funds are used for this Sourcing Event. (See Procedural Instructions in the Buyer Attachments page of this Sourcing Event) Peer staff must have appropriate certification


This project has the following solicitation documents. You will need to visit the agency's original website to download these documents.

Bid Document File Size Notes

For Questions or Additional Information, Contact:

No contact listed

Solicitation Change History

Changes to This Listing:

May 13, 2020

About Multnomah County

We partner with COBID (Certification Office for Business Inclusion & Diversity) to ensure that supplier diversity is practiced and is a priority in our purchasing and contracting. Supplier Diversity means we are proactive in encouraging or mandating the use of COBID Certified Firms for contracts or subcontracts with the County.

You can read more about our contracting equity here.
