Consultant to Facilitate Long-Term Visioning for LPSCC
Original Opportunity #: | RFP-125-2020 |
Issued by: | Multnomah County |
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Publish Date: | Mar 14, 2020 12:02AM |
s Due Date: |
Apr 30, 2020 4:00PM
(Pacific Standard Time)
Status: | Closed |
PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE There will not be a pre-proposal conference for this sourcing event. SERVICE DESCRIPTION, FUNDING AND CONTRACTING INFORMATION PURPOSE AND OVERVIEW The Multnomah County Local Public Safety Coordinating Council (LPSCC) is seeking a qualified consultant to facilitate long-term visioning to drive a strategic planning process. Our preference is for a Facilitator who will use a unique approach, such as Visual Thinking, to help enhance innovation and collaborative planning. INTRODUCTION AND PROGRAM HISTORY The Multnomah County Local Public Safety Coordinating Council (LPSCC) was established by Senate Bill 1145 (1995) to coordinate local criminal justice policy among affected criminal justice entities. The central purpose of LPSCC is to coordinate the public safety plans, policies, operations and strategies of local government agencies to improve the local public safety systemâs cost-effectiveness and responsiveness to the needs of the community. Additionally, the LPSCC desires to advance local criminal justice system reform, safely reduce jail populations, reduce over-incarceration, and address racial and ethnic disparities in local criminal justice systems. Key strategies and initiatives to create a safer, more effective system include: â¢Pre-arrest and pre-trial diversion strategies; â¢Improvements to case processing efficiency; â¢Alternatives to incarceration; â¢Enhanced services for people with mental illness or substance abuse issues involved with the justice system; â¢Pretrial justice improvements; â¢Community engagement strategies; and â¢Strategies to reduce racial and ethnic disparities. GOALS, VALUES AND OTHER IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS: The current systems (criminal justice, health, behavioral health) fail people who are in acute behavioral health distress. The behavioral health system does not have sufficient resources to meet the needs of individuals with acute problems, defaulting to justice involvement (which often does not address the root causes of justice involvement). The LPSCC and its partners agree that a unified vision about how systems should respond and intervene is needed. The LPSCC wants to develop creative ways to shift resources (general fund and other funding) to better resource health and human services partners and reduce the burden on the Criminal Justice System (CJS). The Facilitator should help LPSCC build a vision for what our CJS should look like in 5, 10, and 20 years with a goal of working better across agencies, governments, and silos. This process will include multiple agencies, government systems, and community members. The desired outcome is a fully realized vision that will lead to a strategic plan across the public safety systems that outlasts turnover and election cycles. FUNDING Funds are from the State of Oregon. SCOPE OF WORK: Task 1: Finalize Project Approach, Roles and Responsibilities, and Timeline - Work with LPSCC to refine Consultantâs proposed scope of work, roles and responsibilities for the County and the Consultant (e.g. decision making, feedback, staff involvement), and project timeline. Expected Deliverable: Project plan including timeline and written report. Task 2: Environmental Research and Benchmarking â Complete any environmental research and/or benchmarking to determine any applicable trends in local criminal justice system reform, safely reducing jail populations, reducing over-incarceration, addressing racial and ethnic disparities in local criminal justice systems, and discovering ways to defer people dealing with mental health, behavioral, or substance abuse issues from the CJS. Expected deliverable: Report of findings. Task 3: Facilitate Workshops â Engage participants in a number of half day or all day work sessions using long-term visioning and strategic planning processes. The number of sessions will be finalized with the development of the final Project approach and timeline. The County estimates five (5) to seven (7) sessions beginning in late Spring 2020 and continuing through Summer of 2021. During these work sessions, the work group will develop focus areas and subsequent action items for focus areas. This, in turn, will drive the development of a strategic plan. Participants will include 1) criminal justice executives (City, County, State), 2) local activists and providers, and 3) community members (victims of crime/individuals with lived experience) and will be chosen by the Countyâs Project Manager (LPSCC Executive Director). Expected deliverable: Detailed meeting notes within two weeks after a work session. Task 4: Project Report - Provide formal report to the Countyâs Project Manager and LPSCC in person and in writing. At a minimum, the report will include the final vision, including key focus areas, and specific action items that will drive the strategic plan. Expected deliverable: Final report and/or presentation. CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS: The County will initiate contract negotiations with the responsive and responsible Supplier with the highest scoring proposal. Multnomah County may, at its option, elect to negotiate general contract terms and conditions, services, pricing, implementation schedules, and such other terms as the County determines are in the Countyâs best interest. If negotiations fail to result in a contract, the County reserves the right to terminate the negotiations and initiate contract negotiations with the next highest scoring responsive and responsible Supplier. This process may continue until a contract agreement is reached. Multnomah County reserves the right to score the acceptance of its standard contract terms and conditions as a part of this sourcing event. CONTRACT AWARD: County is seeking to award one contract through this sourcing event. Award, as determined by the County, will be made to the responsible Supplier whose Proposal the County determines is most advantageous to the County based on the evaluation process and evaluation factors described in this sourcing event. A services contract "sample" form is provided in the Buyer Attachments page showing the standard terms and conditions. Carefully review the terms and conditions of the contract. CONTRACT TERM: The contract term will be negotiated at time of contract award and will be dependent upon the product and/or services provided. The negotiated contract term will be in compliance with all public procurement laws and Multnomah County PUR-1 contracting rules. COMPENSATION AND PAYMENT: Compensation method for services will be monthly time and materials invoices, upon acceptance, with a not to exceed cap. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: The Supplier awarded a contract as a result of this sourcing event will be required to provide at a minimum the insurance outlined in the table below. The type of insurance required will depend on the type of services and or products provided under the contract which will be negotiated during the contract process. Please refer to Sample Exhibit 2 in the Buyer Attachments section of the sourcing event. Type of Insurance Per Occurrence Aggregate Commercial General Liability $1,000,000 $2,000,000 Commercial Automobile Liability $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Workers Compensation Required MINIMUM PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: Timely submission of responsive, responsible offers is the only minimum requirement for this sourcing event.Attachments
This project has the following solicitation documents. You will need to visit the agency's original website to download these documents.
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Mar 26, 2020 |
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