Original Opportunity #: ITB-48-2020
Issued by: Multnomah County
View Original: Load in New Window
Publish Date: Sep 16, 2019 9:32AM
s Due Date: Oct 15, 2019 2:00PM (Pacific Standard Time) add to calendar
Status: Closed


PRE-BID CONFERENCE An optional pre-bid conference is scheduled for September 24, 2019 at 1:00 pm.  Meeting will be at the Multnomah Building, 4th Floor Oak Room. Multnomah Building is located at 501 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, OR 97214. This pre-bid conference will not be a walk-through of the site. The purpose of the pre-bid conference is to provide training on how to navigate the MMP system and how to submit your bid. The County will not be answering any technical questions. All questions in regards to the Sourcing Event must be submitted through the Q & A board. Attendance is Optional. SPECIFICATIONS AND ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS See document titled, Attachment 1 Bid Sheet in Buyer's Attachments tab. This form must be completed and uploaded to question #2.1 in the questions tab Group 2 Required supporting Documentation. Total price submitted on this bid form must match the price submitted electronically for this ITB in the Service Line Items Section. This document is required for a responsive bid. See document titled, Attachment 2 Cooperative Purchasing Vendor Agreement. Upload completed Attachment 2 in the questions tab Group 2 Required supporting Documentation, question #2.2. STATEMENT OF WORK and OTHER TERMS 1.    Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment, fuel, services, incidentals, and supervision for glass and glazing services at various Multnomah County (“County”) owned or leased facilities within the boundaries of Multnomah County, Oregon on a time and materials basis.  The County reserves the right to order such services as may be required; it also reserves the right not to order any services  The following services shall be provided during the term of the Contract:  1.1   Work:  Furnish, install, or repair glass doors, relites, transoms, glass panels, walls, partitions, glass windows, glass furniture tops (i.e. desks, credenzas, etc.), glass mirrors, framing-brushed, polished, or anodized aluminum, extrusions; hard woods, or wood framed installations (i.e. window sash). 1.2   Materials/Products:  The following glass and glazing products shall be used and/or installed during the term of this Contract.  Glass may be polished (including edges-furniture cover), unpolished, or tinted, as determined by the specific service request. A.    Float/plate glass, clear, annealed, comply with ASTM C 1048, – type 1, transparent flat, Class 1 clear, quality q3, glazing select. B.    Wire glass – diamond or square mesh, type III, kind A, form 1, quality q11. C.   Tempered glass – heat treated to strengthen glass in bending to not less than 4.5 times annealed strength; conforms to heat –treated glass standard #FSDD-G-1403 (latest edition). D.   Prime glass – conforms to standard #FSDD-G-451 (latest edition). E.    Cast polycarbonate glazing plastic sheet. F.    Cast acrylic glazing plastic sheet. G.   Mirror glass – ¼ inch polished plate, glass silvered 2 coats heavy copper electroplated and baked enamel backing; conforms to standard #FSDD-M-411 (latest edition). H.   Safety glass – labeled by the Safety Glass Certification Council; clear, fully tempered with horizontal tempering, laminated with 0.015 inch thick plastic interlayer and comply with ASTM C 1172 and ASTM C 1048, Quality q3 glazing select. I.      Insulated glass. J.     Laminated glass. K.    Molded Neoprene Glazing Gaskets: Molded or extruded neoprene gaskets of the profile and hardness required for watertight construction: comply with ASTM D 2000 designation 2BC 415 to 3 BC 620, black.  Use molded neoprene gaskets on exterior door glazing. L.    Cellular Neoprene Glazing Gaskets: Extruded/molded, closed-cells, integral-skinned neoprene of profile required to maintain watertight seal: comply with ASTM C 509, Type II, black.  May be used on all interior door glazing. M.   Vinyl Foam Glazing Tape:  closed cell, self-adhesive, non-extruding, polyvinyl chloride foam; recommended by manufacturer for exterior, exposed, watertight installation of glass, with only nominal pressure in the glazing channel; comply with ASTM D 1667. N.   Setting Blocks:  Neoprene or EPDM, 70-90 durometer hardness, with proven compatibility with sealants used. O.   Spacers:  Neoprene or EPDM, 40-50 durometer hardness, with proven compatibility with sealants used. P.    Compressible Filler (Rod):  Closed –cell or waterproof-jacketed rod stock or synthetic rubber or plastic foam, proved to be compatible with sealants used, flexible and resilient, with 5-10 psi compression strength for 25% deflection. Q.   Caulk:   paintable, clear silicone caulk. R.   Any item that might be needed this is not herein specified shall be approved by the County Contract Administrator prior to installation. 1.3   Work Performance: A.    When the Contractor responds to a work location, if materials needed to complete the repair are not immediately available, the broken glass must be secured until such time as the repair can be completed.  If a special order is required to complete the repair, the information must be immediately and clearly communicated to the Contract Administrator. B.    Contractor shall, at no cost to the County, provide a cost and time estimate for each project to the Contract Administrator.  Contractor shall only proceed with the work after authorization by the Contract Administrator is received in the form of a Work Order for the total cost of the project.  C.   Work shall be performed during the hours designated by the Contract Administrator.  D.   Projects assigned and authorized by the Contract Administrator must be completed within the time frame specified.  E.    Communications between the Contractor and County may be made by phone or email. 1.4 Execution Standards: A.    Water and air tight installation of each glass product is required.  Each installation must withstand normal temperature changes, wind loading, impact loading (for operating sash and doors), without failure including loss or breakage of glass, failure of sealants or gaskets to remain watertight and airtight, deterioration of glazing materials and other defects in the work. B.    Protect glass from edge damage during handling and installation, and subsequent operation of glazed components of the work.  During installation, discard units with significant edge damage or other imperfections. C.   Glazing channel dimensions are intended to provide for necessary bite on glass, minimum edge clearance, and adequate sealant thickness, with reasonable tolerance.  Adjustments may be made as required by job conditions at time of installation. D.   Comply with combined recommendations and technical reports by manufacturers of glass and glazing products as used in each glazing channel, and with recommendations of Flat Glass Marketing Association "Glazing Manual", except where more stringent requirements are requested by the County. E.    Install insulating glass units to comply with recommendations by Sealed Insulating Glass Manufacturers Association, except as otherwise specifically indicated or recommended by glass and sealant manufacturers. F.    No attempt shall be made to change the size of heat strengthened, tempered or insulating glass units after they leave the factory.  All heat absorbing glass must be clean cut.  Nipping to remove flares or to reduce oversized dimensions of any type of glass is prohibited. G.   Clean glazing channel and other framing members to receive glass, immediately before glazing.  Remove coatings which are not firmly bonded to substrate.  Remove lacquer from metal surfaces where elastomeric sealants are used. H.   Clean joint surfaces immediately before installation of sealants of caulking compounds.  Remove dirt, insecure coatings, moisture and other compounds.  Each concrete and masonry joint surfaces as recommended by sealant manufacturer.  Roughen vitreous and glazed joint surfaces as recommended by sealant manufacturer. I.      Prime or seal joint surfaces where indicated, and where recommended by sealant manufacturer.  Confine primer/sealer to areas of sealant bond; do not allow spillage or migration onto adjoining surfaces. J.     Employ only proven installation technique, which will ensure that sealants are deposited in uniform, continuous ribbons without gaps or air pockets, with complete "wetting" of joint bond surfaces equally on opposite sides.  Except as otherwise indicated, fill sealant rabbet to a slightly concave surface, slightly below adjoining surfaces.  Where horizontal joints are between a horizontal surface and vertical surface, fill joint to form a slight cove, so that joint will not trap moisture and dirt. K.    Install setting blocks of proper size in sill rabbet, located 1/4th of glass width from each corner.  Set blocks in thin course of heel-bead compound, if any. L.    Provide spacers inside and out, of proper size and spacing, for glass sizes larger than 50 united inches, except where gaskets or pre-shimmed tapes are used for glazing.  Provide 1/8" minimum bite of spacers on glass and use thickness equal to sealant width, except with sealant tape use thickness slightly less than final compressed thickness of tape. M.   Set units of glass in each series with uniformity of pattern, draw, bow, and similar characteristics. N.   Voids and Filler Rods: Prevent exudation of sealant or compound by forming voids or installing filler rods in channel at heel of jambs and head (do not leave voids in sill channels), except as otherwise indicated and depending on light size, thickness and type of glass, and complying with manufacturer's recommendations. O.   Force sealants into channel to eliminate voids and to ensure complete "wetting" or bond of sealant to glass and channel surfaces. P.    Tool exposed surfaces of glazing liquids and compounds to provide a substantial "wash" away from glass. Install pressurized tapers and gaskets to protrude slightly out of channel, so as to eliminate dirt and moisture pockets. Q.   Clean and trim excess glazing materials from glass and stops or frames promptly after installation, and eliminate stains and discolorations. R.   Where wedge-shaped gaskets are driven into one side of channel to pressurize sealant or gasket on opposite side, provide adequate anchorage to ensure that gasket will not "walk" out when installation is subjected to movement.  Anchor gasket to stop with matching ribs, or proven adhesives, including embedment or gasket tail in cured heel bead. S.    Gasket Glazing: Miter cut and bond ends where gaskets are used for channel glazing, so that gaskets will not pull away from corners and result in voids or leaks in glazing system. T.    Protect exterior glass from breakage immediately upon installation by use of crossed streamers attached to framing and held away from glass.  Do not apply markers to surfaces of glass.  Remove nonpermanent labels and clean surfaces.  Cure sealants for high early strength and durability. U.   Remove and replace glass which is broken, chipped, cracked, abraded or damaged in other ways during the construction period, including natural causes, accidents, and vandalism. V.    Wash and polish glass (if applicable) on both faces.  Comply with glass product manufacturer's recommendations for final cleaning. W.  Do not install glazing when the ambient temperature is less than 50 degrees F.  Maintain minimum ambient temperature before, during and 24 hours after installation. 1.5 Quality Assurance: A.    Perform Work in accordance with GANA Glazing Manual and FGMA Sealant Manual for glazing installation methods. B.    Provide a five (5) year warranty to include coverage for sealed glass units from seal failure, inter-pane dusting or missing, delaminating of laminated glass and replacement of same. 1.6  Compliance:  Contractor shall perform all work in compliance with the following specifications, as applicable: A.    ASTM E2010 – Methods of Fire Tests of Window Assemblies B.    FGMA – Glazing Manual and Sealant Manual C.   CSFM 43-7 – Fire Tests for doors and Window Assemblies D.   NFPA -  80 – Fire Doors and Windows and 257 – Fire Tests of Window Assemblies E.    UL 9 – Fire Tests of Window Assemblies F.    State of Oregon Uniform Building Code. 1.7 Standards A.    Doors and Frames:  Comply with CS 242-62, PS PS4-66i and Steel Door Institute Standard SDI-100, latest revisions of all. B.    Labeled Doors and Frames:  Comply with all UL Procedures R-3791, R-5493, and R3821. C.   Door and Frame Preparation Hardware:  Comply with ANSI A115, latest revision. D.   Door and Frame Performance Test:  ANSI Standard Test Procedure and Acceptance Criteria for Physical Endurance for Standard Steel Doors and Frames. E.    Where a door carries a U.L. Label for fire rating, all hardware applied to that door shall comply to and for that rating. F.    All hardware shall meet the security standards of the local jurisdiction. G.   All hardware shall comply with the governing building code and handicap access regulations. H.   Hardware shall match existing.     1.8 Project Coordination A.    All work shall be coordinated so as to minimize impact to staff and clients using the facility.  Utility location and connections shall be coordinated with the proper utility companies. B.    Normal daytime hours are Monday through Friday, 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Work performed outside of normal daytime hours will be coordinated through and approved by the Contract Administrator.  Restrictions on the hours of work may occur from time to time to accommodate County needs.  C.   Access and parking locations shall be designated by the Contract Administrator.  D.   JCAHO Procedures:  One or more of the facilities where the Contractor may perform work are health clinics accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO). If a facility is accredited by JCAHO then the Contractor must comply with the JCAHO Safety Measures for Contractors attached to the contract as Exhibit 11 when providing Services to those facilities. E.    Records Check Authorizations:   All Contractor personnel who have access to any County facility shall be subject to a security clearance check and a background records check (including fingerprinting) by the County prior to providing services in or entering any facility.  All Contractor personnel having access to a facility shall submit a completed and signed Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office Records Check Authorization in the form of Exhibit 9, attached to the contract, in order to begin the background records check procedure. There shall be no exceptions to the background records check requirement and no substitutions of Contractor’s personnel without first obtaining the prior security clearance check and approval. Failure to obtain security clearance approval shall be grounds for the County’s refusal of an employee’s assignment under this Contract.  Contractor and Contractor’s personnel accessing a facility shall follow all the County’s established security procedures while working in the facility, including, but not limited to, the Correctional Facility Work Rules attached to the contract as Exhibit 10. Contractor shall cause each of its employees who may provide Services under this Contract to sign a copy of the Detention Facility Work Rules. Upon request of the County, Contractor shall provide copies of the signed Work Rules to the County’s Contract Administrator.  Failure to properly follow security procedures in a facility may result in termination of this Contract by County. F.    Time and Qualification Requirements: Contractor shall have a minimum response time of four (4) hours on all calls received from Multnomah County representative. Contractor shall be licensed, bonded and registered with the State of Oregon Construction Contractors Board throughout the Term of this Contract. Only Journeyman level installers shall work on Multnomah County Projects. Contractor shall replace glass within two (2) business days after receipt of glass. BID DOCUMENTS All documents for this bid, contract terms and conditions are available for view and download on the Buyer Attachments page of this Sourcing Event.  The Buyer Attachments page includes the following:  Procedural Instructions - This includes "Instructions for Bidders" and Contract Award Procedures Attachment 1 Bid Sheet Attachment 2 Cooperative Purchasing Vendor Agreement Sample Contract RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS PRACTICE Contractor shall utilize and encourage the use of energy efficient appliances. Contractor shall plan for route optimization in providing services. Contractor shall make a reasonable effort to include diverse suppliers, vendors, and subcontractors in the conduct of your business and supply chain. PREVAILING WAGE Do apply to this Contract.  The wage rates to be paid are set forth in Prevailing Wage Rates on Public Works Contracts in Oregon, which is incorporated by reference. Copies are available from any office of the Wage and Hour Division of the Bureau of Labor and Industries. Copies are also available on the bureau's webpage at www.oregon.gov/boli. Current Prevailing wage rate: Effective July 1,  2019 SERVICE PERIOD Services will be for a five-year period of time.   BID BOND A Bid Bond will not be required for this solicitation.  PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BONDS  Performance and payment bonds will not be required for this contract.  COOPERATIVE PURCHASING  Other public agencies may establish contracts or price agreements directly with the awarded contractor under the terms, conditions and prices of the original contract; pursuant to ORS 279A.215 and agreement by the selected Contractor to extend the terms, conditions and prices of the original contract. Bidder must return completed Attachment 2 - Cooperative Purchasing Vendor Agreement located in the Buyer Attachments section of this sourcing event. BID SUBMISSION Bid must be submitted electronically through this Sourcing Event.   Attachment 1 Bid Sheet  Total amount for each line item from Attachment 1 Bid Sheet entered in the Service Line Items Section. Attachment 2 Cooperative Purchasing Vendor Agreement 

For Questions or Additional Information, Contact:

No contact listed

Solicitation Change History

Changes to This Listing:

Oct 8, 2019
Oct 8, 2019
Oct 9, 2019
Oct 10, 2019
Oct 11, 2019
Oct 12, 2019
Oct 13, 2019
Oct 14, 2019
Oct 15, 2019

About Multnomah County

We partner with COBID (Certification Office for Business Inclusion & Diversity) to ensure that supplier diversity is practiced and is a priority in our purchasing and contracting. Supplier Diversity means we are proactive in encouraging or mandating the use of COBID Certified Firms for contracts or subcontracts with the County.

You can read more about our contracting equity here.
