Project #: 2022-103
Issued by: Clackamas County
Publish Date: Dec 7, 2022 10:10AM
Bids Due Date: Jan 17, 2023 2:00PM (Pacific Standard Time) add to calendar
Status: Closed


Provid 6-foot-wide separated sidewalks on both sides of Courtney Avenue; 8-foot wide buffered bike lanes; intermittent rain gardens for stormwater management; street and pedestrian lighting; ADA compliant intersection curb ramps and crosswalk enhancements at two intersections, among other improvements. In addition, the sidewalk and bikeway improvements will provide a direct east-west connection to the Trolley Trail. Courtney Avenue is uncomfortable for bicyclists due to the narrow width of pavement and lacks sidewalks for those walking.

RFP Documents can be downloaded from the state of Oregon procurement website (“OregonBuys”) at the following address

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Name: Procurement

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