RFP 3940 - Regional Illegal Dumping (RID) Patrol Work Transition Program
Solicitation Type: | RFP |
Issued by: | Oregon Metro |
Publish Date: | Jun 11, 2021 4:50PM |
Proposals Due Date: |
Jul 15, 2021 2:00PM
(Pacific Standard Time)
Status: | Awarded |
Metro, a metropolitan service district organized under the laws of the State of Oregon and the Metro Chater, located at 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland OR 97232-2736, is hereby inviting proposals for Regional Illegal Dumping (RID) Patrol Work Transition Program.
Since 1993, Metro has worked with other local government and law enforcement agencies to cleanup and investigate illegal dumps across the Metro region. Trash, old appliances, torn mattresses, used tires, broken furniture, oil, antifreeze and pesticides are a few of the things illegal dumpers leave on public lands, sidewalks, alleyways and waterways, putting human health and wildlife at risk. RID Patrol cleans up waste illegally dumped on public property. RID Patrol, through partnerships with local law enforcement agencies, also investigates evidence found in illegal dumps and eye-witness accounts of dumping incidents on either public or private property. RID Patrol consists of three crews, two from Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office, on contract to Metro, and one Metro crew.
Contractor(s) will provide between one to four work crews consisting of two to three crew members and a truck and trailer to support Metro’s RID Patrol’s regional cleanup program. RID Patrol cleans up dumped and abandoned garbage on public land across the greater Portland area, conducts camp cleanups on Metro property and from time-to-time will assist local government partners with cleanup efforts related to camps on other public land. RID Patrol is a workforce transition program that resides in the Community Services and Education (CSE) division of the Waste Prevention and Environmental Services (WPES) Department. Please reference the RFP 3940 for more information.
This project has the following solicitation documents.
You will need to:
Be logged into Bid Locker
Be registered with Oregon Metro
Express interest using the "Express Interest" button above
Pre-Proposal Conference Information
The original pre-proposal conferernce on June 23, 2021 at 12:30 pm to 1:30pm is cancelled, and the new pre-proosal conference will be held on on July 1st, 2021 at 11:00 am to 12:00pm.
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A voluntary pre-proposal web-conference will be held on Zoom on June 23rd, 2021 at 12:30 p.m. Interested proposers are encouraged to attend the conference in order to gain information about the RFP requirements.
Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/95673312959?pwd=OExRNU5kSTVrbDkwWXRSeWdjbk8wUT09
Meeting ID: 956 7331 2959
Passcode: 350068
Conference Date |
Jul 1, 2021 11:00AM
(Pacific Standard Time)
Before you can register your attendance, you will need to register your vendor profile with Oregon Metro using the "Register" button below. |
Vendor Questions and Answers
For Questions or Additional Information, Contact:
Name: Bids and Proposals
Email: bidsandproposals@oregonmetro.gov
Solicitation Change History
Changes to This Listing:
Change | |
The prebid conference information has changed. The following bid documents were added: RFP 3940 - Addendum1.pdf |
Jun 22, 2021 |
The following bid documents were added: RFP 3940 - addendum 2.pdf |
Jul 13, 2021 |
Your submitted questions |