Original Opportunity #: RIP-69-2021
Issued by: Multnomah County
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Publish Date: Feb 20, 2021 12:00AM
s Due Date: Mar 22, 2021 2:00PM (Pacific Standard Time) add to calendar
Status: Closed


PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE:   An OPTIONAL pre-proposal conference for this sourcing event will be held Tuesday March 2nd at 1:00 pm via Google Meet video conferencing: Meeting ID: meet.google.com/vqw-jhep-iub Phone Number: 314-649-4962 PIN: 928 294 583# INTRODUCTION The Clean Rivers Coalition’s (CRC) “Follow the Water - Connect the Drops” public outreach campaign is a new multi-jurisdictional campaign for clean water awareness and behavior change that will focus on individuals and families and their diverse relationships with nature, rivers, and streams and live in urban, suburban, and rural areas. This outreach campaign will reach audiences across Oregon and Southwest Washington. In addition to English language speakers, the campaign is intended to also reach Spanish-speaking populations initially, and in the future will address other languages. CRC acknowledges that Native Americans stewarded this land for thousands of years prior to colonization and plans to work to amplify the voices and cultural perspectives of Native Americans and other historically marginalized communities in an effort to address the intersectionality of the environmental movement and social justice. Our objective is to give voice to the region’s water and to enhance the region’s identity with regard to a culture of water protection. The campaign will focus on two actions:  Creation of culture-building outreach content to connect people to water so they will protect what they love/appreciate, including a focus on the Hispanic/Latinx Spanish-speaking community, and  Creation of outdoor pesticide use reduction content, to ultimately reduce pollution in our waters by inducing many new “clean water” behaviors. The deliverables from this RIP will be viewed across the broad geographic area of the lower and middle Columbia River Basin, where rural and urban communities have very different perspectives. CRC outreach strategy will include the diverse voices of influential leaders and influencers, and create narratives that have cultural connections and appeal to broadly held values around clean water in our region in our social media campaign. Our intent is to “give water a voice” and create a sense of curiosity that invites the audience to “connect the drops'' and discover how, as individuals, we contribute to the health and protection of our water. The CRC has a ten-person steering committee representing many geographic areas where the campaign will be delivered. The steering committee will collaborate with the contracted consultants to ensure a thorough understanding of the objectives, goals, and unique challenges of a statewide water health campaign. Proposers should build in time for kickoff meetings, brief check ins, draft review conversations, etc. Support for this public outreach campaign includes participation from local municipal government entities, state and federal government agencies, water-related non-profits including watershed councils, soil and water conservation districts, and Oregon Environmental Council as well as other public and private funders. The CRC steering committee is committed to working efficiently and effectively with the consultants and will establish a work timeframe based on consultant needs that sets meetings, draft reviews, and check-ins on the calendar well in advance to keep the project on track and on time. SCOPE OF WORK The project elements in this Request for Intermediate Proposal will build the foundation for our public facing interactive media using the Campaign Playbook, Style Guide and public survey results that have already been developed. (Access these materials at https://cleanriverscoalition.com/resources/). Each Task is considered a separate project and we encourage firms to submit proposals for one, several, or all of the project elements, if qualified to deliver these elements. If you are partnering with other individuals or agencies to propose on task(s), you should include all firm names and the name(s) of each primary staff with a brief bio of their skills and project contributions. Task 1: Website Design and Development The website will serve as an essential digital hub to share campaign content and resources to the CRC audiences and partners that will focus on WHY and HOW they can take action to protect our water. The website will be a landing place for the social media marketing campaign - digital ads will drive the audience to this website - and will then connect people to their rivers, connect people’s behaviors to the river, and promote behavior change by connecting people downward to their local community. We are seeking an individual or firm to: Work collaboratively with the CRC to identify a website format (e.g., ESRI Story Map standalone or embedded), style and navigation to meet the needs of the campaign; Build a small, functional, and interesting draft website for testing and feedback; Finalize website with photos and graphics; Recommend website hosting options; Set up “Follow the Water” campaign social media sites on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube with the same look and feel.  Link to partner websites, including watershed councils, Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs), or other groups working on water health. Maintain or update the final website as needed. Website attributes:  It will use responsive web design (mobile/device enabled) and will be compatible with all web browsers. The ability to scale up and add features over time is also necessary.  It will be customized/designed using the CRC style guide and apply SEO techniques.  It will meet web accessibility requirements (WCAG 2.0 Level AA or higher) and be designed for quick loading pages, SSL certificate, additional security plugin, if applicable.  It will be fully editable for CRC steering committee members (e.g., update content, create/modify pages, upload pictures/documents).  It will include an email subscription button (or link). Our current email subscription is through MailChimp. Include recommended options, as applicable.  It will fully integrate a basic suite of social networking tools (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) that allow CRC to reach specific audiences and disseminate resources as desired.  It will include at a minimum a home page, an about us page, a contact us page, a blog page/current social media posts.   It will utilize Google or other recommended analytics.  It should maximize the use of visual media and storytelling ability and include the ability to play videos through an embedded player.  It will have the ability to include one or more banners announcing an upcoming event or important news event. Desire the ability for website to collect customer feedback on site usefulness, offer a brief survey, entice subscribing to a seasonal gardening tips newsletter, etc., in order to measure impact of content. Desire the ability to embed a map. Desire the ability to have pages translated. Additional important attributes or features that you suggest. Task 1 Budget: The proposed budget for Task 1 is $5,000.  If you are unable to deliver all Website Attributes above for this budget, please indicate in the uploaded Budget and Timeline spreadsheet what can be reasonably attained for that amount. Please also include what attributes and/or additional features not listed could be included in the website for a budget of up to $15,000. Please download the Budget and Timeline Spreadsheet from the Buyer Attachments page. Complete the budget spreadsheet and upload as your reply to the Task 1 Budget question (#3) on the Proposal Questions page. Task 1 Desired Schedule: Planning and visioning with CRC to take place within 30 days of contract execution. A preliminary version of the website for testing should be available within 60 days of contract execution. A final, published version should be complete 30 days after testing is complete. This schedule is an estimated timeline. Please provide a detailed timeline based on your workflow in the Proposal Questions & Evaluation Criteria section of this Sourcing Event. Task 1 Questions: Provide your answer to the following questions in the Proposal Questions & Evaluation Section of this Sourcing Event: Describe your experience collaborating with a team of clients and your process for team input, managing timeframes with draft products, feedback loops, etc, including any limitations that may arise from the current pandemic. How would you help clients select website platforms and tools (structure, navigation, embedded features, etc.) to meet project goals? (15 Points) Describe your experience with websites that meet the above stated criteria. Include up to three links to websites and up to three client references. (25 Points) Complete the Budget and Timeline Attachment and upload as your answer to this question. The uploaded budget should describe what work and product you are capable of generating within the desired $5,000 budget, what additional features are possible for a budget of $15,000, and any additional elements and cost that you recommend to help CRC meet its desired goals and outcomes.  (10 Points).  Provide descriptions/bios of the team members, including subcontractors, serving as project managers and staff for the project. Please also indicate what percentage of time each individual will be assigned to this project. (25 Points) Describe your organization’s efforts related to sustainability/climate change reduction strategies, (e.g., energy efficiency measures, renewable energy use, water conservation, waste prevention & recycling, alternative transportation.(10 points) Describe how your firm supports its employees by providing living wages and benefits. How does your firm give back to your local community through charitable or civic involvement. Firms without employees: Describe how you give back to your local community through charitable or civic involvement. (10 Points) Does your firm/subcontractors have a published equity statement? Please explain your firm/subcontractors commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. (5 Points) Task 2: Pesticide Behavior Video Production The Clean Rivers Coalition (CRC) wishes to contract with a videographer to 1) create a production schedule to develop short and long versions of educational videos on two or more pesticide reduction topics, and 2) produce up to 8 videos on the selected pesticide reduction topics. Include assumptions and limitations in a budget. These short “how-to” videos will influence behavior change for a social media marketing campaign and website that will focus on the reduction of pesticide use in home lawn and garden care for English and Spanish speaking adults. CRC will choose the video topics based on research conducted for the “Follow the Water” Campaign. The videos will be produced collaboratively with a CRC team, and should include up to two rounds of edit feedback prior to finalizing videos. Video specifications: Short videos (15-30 seconds); Long video (45 -120 seconds) MP4 H.264 video codec and AAC audio codec and 1280p X 720p, or contractor to recommend alternative formats for approval. Production includes subtitles, CGI effects, text over, voiceover, music and branding. All voice overs and music scores must be licensed for use on YouTube. Documentation of license(s) shall be provided to Agency/CRC. All created content will become the property of the Clean Rivers Coalition. Task 2 Budget: $25,000. Task 2 Desired Schedule: Agency desires that filming the videos occurs during April-June 2021, following approval of storyboards. Final products to take place within 120 days of contract execution. This schedule is an estimated timeline. Please provide a detailed timeline based on your workflow in the Proposal Questions & Evaluation Criteria section of this Sourcing Event. Task 2 Questions: Provide your answer to the following questions in the Proposals Questions & Evaluation Section of this Sourcing Event: Describe your experience collaborating with a team of clients and your process for team input, managing timeframes with draft products, feedback loops, etc, including any limitations that may arise from the current pandemic. Collaboration may include storyboard development, casting, filming, etc (15 Points) Describe your experience creating short educational videos to influence behavior change for a social media marketing campaign. Describe your ability to use CGI to enhance understanding of video content (e.g., arrows, “no” symbols, etc) and ability to provide subtitles in other languages or voiceovers. Include up to three links to videos for an adult audience and up to three client references. (25 Points) Complete the Budget and Timeline Attachment and upload as your answer to this question. The uploaded budget should describe what work and product you are capable of generating within the desired budget, and any additional elements and cost that you recommend to help CRC meet its desired goals and outcomes.  (10 Points).  Provide descriptions/bios of the team members, including subcontractors, serving as project managers and staff for the project. Include any past experience providing products for the Hispanic/Latinx community. Please also indicate what percentage of time each individual will be assigned to this project. (25 Points) Describe your organization’s efforts related to sustainability/climate change reduction strategies, (e.g., energy efficiency measures, renewable energy use, water conservation, waste prevention & recycling, alternative transportation.(10 points) Describe how your firm supports its employees by providing living wages and benefits. How does your firm give back to your local community through charitable or civic involvement. Firms without employees: Describe how you give back to your local community through charitable or civic involvement. (10 Points) Does your firm/subcontractors have a published equity statement? Please explain your firm/subcontractors commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. (5 Points) Task 3: Columbia River Connections videos: The CRC is seeking to contract with a videographer to develop a series of videos that tells the story of our connection to the Columbia River and its watershed, as told through diverse voices, and focusing on a variety of issues. The short series of films will be conceived as a series of individual short videos that could be combined into a single narrative (or two narratives). The budget for the filmmaking project is $25,000. The goal of the project is to create a series of films that communicate: How the culture of the Tribes of the Columbia River basin are intimately connected to our waters, How new residents arrived and became disconnected from our waters, How we can take these lessons to reconnect with our waters, and Reduce pollutants in our waters. The number of films in the series will be determined in partnership with the filmmaker. These videos will feature unique stories about the connections between our built environment and natural areas, how we are all a part of the Columbia River Basin. These films will raise awareness and inspire curiosity about the importance of clean water and our individual roles as stewards of the water. These ideas will be expressed through storytelling from diverse voices. The films will include recorded audio and/or subtitles in different languages. The CRC steering committee is collaborating with Columbia River Intertribal Fish Commission staff, to guide the films themes and topics for this Task. The filmmaker must have an understanding of how the “connection with place” is a central element in the cultures of the Tribes of the Columbia River Basin. Proposer shall provide a general timeframe for filming, editing, client review, and product refinement based on requested changes. Production includes text over, voiceover, and branding. All voice-overs and music scores must be licensed for use on YouTube. All created content will become the property of the CRC for use in the Healthy Waters and other CRC campaigns. Task 3 Desired Schedule:  Final products to be completed within 180 days of contract execution. This is an estimated schedule. Please provide a detailed timeline based on your workflow in the Proposal Questions & Evaluation Criteria section of this Sourcing Event. Contractor shall provide a draft of all videos to CRC for feedback. CRC shall provide a summary of consensus comments within two weeks of draft delivery. Contractor should expect two rounds of review. Contractor shall describe the preferred timeframe for completing requested edits. Task 3 Budget: $25,000 Task 3 Questions: Provide your answer to the following questions in the Proposal Questions & Evaluation Section of this Sourcing Event: Describe your experience collaborating with a team of clients and your process for team input, managing timeframes with draft products, feedback loops, etc, including any limitations that may arise from the current pandemic. Collaboration may include storyboard development, casting, filming, etc (15 Points) Describe your work creating film and video content related to themes described above. Include all points a-f below (40 Points) a. Describe your experience working with Tribal entities and/or Native American interests, and/or people of other cultures, to capture their expression of their culture. b. Describe your experience with natural resources filmography, and your understanding of basin geography and water issues. c. Describe your philosophy and creative process to create meaningful and engaging work. d. Describe why you would like to create this film series, in particular. Describe the challenges you anticipate to create these films. e. Describe your ability to record audio and/or subtitles in different languages for the film to maximize the audience. f. Include up to three links to films that most closely relate to the themes above and reactions about your work. 3. Complete the Budget and Timeline Attachment and upload as your answer to this question. The uploaded budget should describe what work and product you are capable of generating within the desired budget, and any additional elements and cost that you recommend to help CRC meet its desired goals and outcomes. Budget Attachment-  (10 Points).  4. Provide descriptions/bios of the team members, including subcontractors, serving as project managers and staff for the project. (10 Points) 5. Describe your organization’s efforts related to sustainability/climate change reduction strategies, (e.g., energy efficiency measures, renewable energy use, water conservation, waste prevention & recycling, alternative transportation.(10 points) 6. Describe how your firm supports its employees by providing living wages and benefits. How does your firm give back to your local community through charitable or civic involvement. Firms without employees: Describe how you give back to your local community through charitable or civic involvement. (10 Points) 7. Does your firm/subcontractors have a published equity statement? Please explain your firm/subcontractors commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. (5 Points) METHOD OF AWARD Up to three contracts may be awarded, one contract per Task described above. A single proposer may submit a proposal for, and be awarded more than one Task. ESTIMATED PURCHASES Website Design: approximately $5,000 to as much as $15,000 Pesticide Behavior Video Production: Approximately $25,000 Columbia River Connections Videos: Approximately $25,000 The County and CRC do not guarantee that any minimum amount of services will be purchased. METHOD OF CONTRACTING A Services Contract form is provided in the Buyer Attachments page showing the standard terms and conditions.  Carefully review the terms and conditions of the Contract.  Additional Contract terms related to this procurement, if any, are set out below in the section entitled Term of Contract. TERM OF CONTRACT Contract(s) will be awarded for up to 1.5 years, ending 9/30/2022. Contract(s) may be extended for up to 5 years from execution if additional funding becomes available. Additional funding is not guaranteed. Contract will require that all videos and work product created shall become the property of the Clean Water Coalition. CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS The County will initiate contract negotiations with the responsive and responsible Proposer with the highest scoring proposal. Multnomah County may, at its option, elect to negotiate general contract terms and conditions, insurance requirements, services, pricing, implementation schedules, and such other terms as the County determines are in the County’s best interest. If negotiations fail to result in a contract, the County reserves the right to terminate the negotiations and initiate contract negotiations with the next highest scoring responsive and responsible Proposer. This process may continue until a contract agreement is reached. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The insurance requirements are set forth in Exhibit 2 of the Services Contract located in the Buyer Attachments page. Please review these requirements carefully. Levels of insurance may be negotiated and adjusted based on final project needs and external factors. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS At the time of proposal submission: Suppliers must certify agreement with all terms in the Prerequisites page of this Sourcing Event. Failure to provide any required documents or meet requirements below may result in rejection of the proposal. Proposals must be received by the date and time listed in this Sourcing Event. Late proposals will not be accepted. At the time of Contracting, suppliers must meet the following minimum requirements. Failure to provide any of the required documents, or meet any of the requirements below may result in cancellation of the contract: Suppliers must be legal entities, currently registered to do business in the State of Oregon (per ORS 60.701) Suppliers must submit verification that all insurance requirements are met. EVALUATION PROCESS FOR WRITTEN AND OPTIONAL ORAL EVALUATION Individual evaluators knowledgeable about the project will independently review and assign a draft score to each written proposal. All evaluators will meet in a Proposal Evaluation Session to share key findings. Each evaluator will then independently finalize their score. Final scores from each evaluator will then be summed to determine a total score for each proposal. If it is determined to be in the best interest of the Agency, oral interviews will be held with top scoring proposers. The same criteria used to evaluate the written proposals will be used to evaluate the oral interview. No additions, deletions or substitutions may be made to proposals during the oral evaluations. After all written and oral interviews are complete; the individual evaluators' scores will be summed to determine the final scores for each proposal. Each task will be awarded to the highest scoring responsible and responsive proposer.


This project has the following solicitation documents. You will need to visit the agency's original website to download these documents.

Bid Document File Size Notes

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About Multnomah County

We partner with COBID (Certification Office for Business Inclusion & Diversity) to ensure that supplier diversity is practiced and is a priority in our purchasing and contracting. Supplier Diversity means we are proactive in encouraging or mandating the use of COBID Certified Firms for contracts or subcontracts with the County.

You can read more about our contracting equity here.
