Original Opportunity #: RFP-30-2021
Issued by: Multnomah County
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Publish Date: Sep 19, 2020 12:00AM
s Due Date: Oct 28, 2020 4:00PM (Pacific Standard Time) add to calendar
Status: Closed


Addendum #11) Extend the page limit for responses on selected questions2) Allow for resumes to be attached in "Supplier Attachment" in response to question Add the scope of services for the County's procurement card program 4) Add Proposal Questions for the procurement card program5) Extend the deadlines for questions and proposal submittal________________________________________________________________________________________________________The following Scope of Services is added to this RFP:LiabilityThe procurement card program shall offer the County protection against unauthorized use of cards. The County shall only be responsible for the use of Procurement Cards by authorized County cardholders. An authorized cardholder is any current County employee, who is using the card within the course and scope of the employee's employment by the County. Any use of the Procurement Card outside this definition shall be considered unauthorized and outside the scope of the County's liability. Cardholder ApplicationThe procurement card administrator shall have the ability to submit card requests using an online web-based account maintenance system. No employee credit checks will be performed as the Procurement Card is owned by the County; additionally, only the last four (4) digits of social security numbers or other unique numbering sequences will be used on the card request when creating the activation codes.Card ReplacementThe proposer shall provide a toll-free customer support number to report lost or stolen cards and provide continuous and immediate cancellation service at this number 24/7. The proposer shall deactivate the cardholder account immediately upon receiving telephone notification of a lost or stolen card in order to prevent further fraudulent transactions. In the case of lost or stolen cards, emergency replacement cards shall be issued by the proposer to the County's procurement card administrator within five (5) calendar days following notification of the lost or stolen card to the proposer or the time frame specified in the Contract. Additionally, the County is interested in a rush card replacement within twenty-four (24) hours, which will be provided for an additional fee and will be used at the discretion of the procurement card administrator. The County shall not be liable for any charges incurred following the notice of lost or stolen card to the proposer.Change to Cardholder AccountsThe County's procurement card program coordinator may request changes to information regarding an authorized cardholder's account. Such changes may include, but are not limited to, single transaction limits, monthly charge limits, maximum County limit, number of transactions per billing cycle, merchant/SIC code restrictions, cardholder name, cardholder billing address and telephone number, and termination of a cardholder's account. The changes will be made immediately or at most, within twenty-four (24) hours depending upon the tasks required, and the procurement card administrator must receive a written notification regarding such change from the proposer and the effective date of the change.Card CancellationProposer shall provide a 24/7 toll-free customer support number and online maintenance system. At the direction of the County's procurement card administrator, proposer shall immediately cancel an employee's card. proposer may also cancel an employee's card in accordance with the conditions stated within the contract but must first notify the procurement card administrator of their intent to do so. The County shall destroy all canceled procurement cards. The County shall not be liable for any charges incurred following any Procurement Card cancellation notice to the proposer. With the exception of fraud, a window of two (2) business days must be provided to the County to review and approve all card cancellations.Phase-out ServicesAt least 180 working days prior to Contract termination, the proposer must furnish the County with service phase-out procedures. Additionally, the proposer must negotiate in good faith a plan with any successor to determine the nature and extent of phase-in, phase-out services required.Credit LineBased upon financial information provided to the proposer, together with other information the proposer deems relevant, the proposer, in its sole discretion, shall establish, review, and adjust a credit limit that shall be the maximum aggregate amount resulting from purchases, fees and other charges incurred by the use of Procurement Cards. proposer shall advise the County within twenty-four (24) hours of any increase or decrease in the credit limit. proposer will not decrease the credit limit below the amount due from the County unless the proposer has notified the County at least ten (10) Business Days prior to the effective date of credit limit decrease. After the proposer notifies the County, the County shall have the option to make a payment to the proposer to prevent the County from becoming over limit.Cash AdvancesCash advances are neither permitted nor authorized under the resulting Contract.Billing Flexible Billing System: The Proposers billing system will provide the County with flexible central billing options. All charges incurred by all cardholders will be consolidated into billing statements for each corporate account and made available to the County electronically (or via paper upon exception). Cardholders receive a memo statement of their individual charges. Statements can be sent on a weekly, biweekly or monthly basis. If a monthly cycle is chosen, the County may choose the day of the month (between the 4th and the 27th) or First Day-or-Last Day of the month. If a biweekly or weekly billing cycle is chosen, the County may choose the day of the week (Monday through Friday) on which the billing cycle will end. The proposer also offers semi-monthly (same date twice a month). The County may also elect to have transactions diverted to a separate billing account called a diversion or control account based upon the Merchant Category Code (MCC) associated with the transaction. Billing Statement Delivery Options: The proposer shall provide an electronic corporate billing statement (or paper upon exception) that will serve as the legal invoice to the County from the proposer. Payment Date: The County may select grace periods for account payment on corporately billed accounts. Grace periods can range from three to 25 calendar days and must be less than the days in the billing cycle. The following settlement periods are available when a central billing option is chosen and is determined based upon the billing frequency: Cycle Days 7 14 14 30 30 30 30 30 Grace Days 3 3 7 3 7 14 20 25 Total number of days from release of bill to due date: The County has a choice of grace periods for account payment on corporately billed accounts. Grace periods can range from three to 25 calendar days and must be less than the days in your billing cycle. Terms and past due information: The County may select the grace period for account payment on corporately billed accounts. Grace periods can range from three to 25 calendar days and must be less than the days in the billing cycle. Auto debit will be the preferred method in order to avoid late billings. Electronic Bill: The proposer shall provide the County with an electronic billing statement that serves as the legal invoice from the proposer. Past due fees: As the County is currently paying via ACH Debit, a late payment scenario should not occur; should this ever occur appropriate fees and charges would apply. Transaction FeesThe proposer shall not assess any transaction fees for use of the Procurement Card, nor shall the proposer require a billing cycle or annual minimum transaction volume. The County is interested in a procurement card program that does not require a minimum billing cycle or annual expenditure per card.Disputed ChargesThe County shall make payment of disputed charges within the thirty (30) day billing period and notify the proposer in accordance with the Proposers dispute resolution protocols. Adjustments from disputed charges shall be recorded on the cardholder's next billing statement following resolution of the dispute.Late ChargesThe County shall not be assessed any late charges when payment is delayed due to a disagreement between the County and the proposer regarding the quantity, quality or time of delivery of any equipment, materials, supplies, or services or the accuracy of any invoice. proposer shall notify the County of all invoices in excess of thirty (30) days.PaymentThe County intends to pay all valid charges by authorized cardholders within thirty (30) days of the statement closing date.Electronic Fund TransfersProposer shall have the ability to receive electronic fund transfers instead of checks for payment of bills.Annual FeesThe County will not consider a procurement card program that assesses an annual fee for use of the Procurement Card. Finance and Interest ChargesProposer shall not assess any finance or interest charges on current balances. The proposer may assess a finance/interest charge on overdue balances, but only in accordance with the Contract.Work Performed by CountyCounty staff shall make available sufficient hours of staff personnel as is required to meet with the proposer and provide such information as required. The County has assigned project managers who will oversee the work and provide support as needed.Other specific duties the County shall perform include setting spending restrictions: The procurement card administrator shall set limits for each cardholder. Such limits may include but are not limited to a single transaction limit, monthly charge limit, and maximum County limit. proposer shall provide an online account maintenance system that allows Procurement Card Administrators to Adjust Spending Limits.Deliverables and ScheduleDeliverables shall be considered those tangible resulting work products which are to be delivered to the County, Procurement Services such as reports, draft documents, data, interim findings, training, and meeting presentations. Deliverables and schedule for this project shall include but is not limited to, implementation Status Reports: proposer shall summarize activities under the Contract in status reports submitted in a format and frequency deemed appropriate and specified by County's procurement card administrator. The status report shall include summaries of all activities and deliverables completed. The report shall include a list of any delayed items, a description of the problem, schedule impact, and a method of resolution. The item shall be carried over onto subsequent reports until the problem is resolved. All deliverables and resulting work products from the County Contract will become the property of the County.Place of PerformancePerformance of the contract shall take place at the Proposers place of business. Some implementation steps may need to take place at the County's facilities. Some events such as, but not limited to trainings, meetings, reports, and status updates may take place at a location specified by the County.Public SafetyPublic safety may require limiting access to public work sites, public facilities, and public offices, sometimes with little advance notice. The proposer shall anticipate delays in such places and include the cost of delay in the costs in its proposal. The proposers employees and agents shall carry sufficient identification to show by whom they are employed and display it upon request to security personnel. County project managers have discretion to require the proposers employees and agents to be escorted to and from any public office, facility or work site if national or local security appears to require it.Confidentiality and Records Retention ManagementProposer shall provide an online inquiry system containing account summary data for at least the previous twenty-four (24) months. The County requires electronic receipt of account summary data for at least six (6) years after the record creation date. proposer shall maintain all data relative to the County's accounts under the procurement card program as Confidential Information. proposer will exercise the same standard that the proposer uses to protect its own confidential information. The proposer agrees to use confidential data exclusively for providing Services to the County and will not release Confidential Information to another party, with the exception that the proposer may collect, maintain, and disseminate information and data concerning charge activity that does not contain any direct or indirect identification of the County or cardholders, or Participating Agencies. At the request of the County, the proposer shall furnish to the County all, or any part of, the detail or summary data related to the County's expense, purchases, fees and other charge activity.Payment Term OptionsThe proposer shall put processes in place to balance reporting files to County billing. It shall ultimately be the County's responsibility to ensure that all payments made to the proposer balance back to the relevant monthly statement. The following settlement periods will be made available when a central billing option is chosen and is determined based upon the billing frequency: Weekly billing: 3 or 7 days Bi-weekly: 3, 7 or 14 days Monthly: 3, 7, 14, 20, 25, 30 days To provide the County with maximum flexibility, the proposer shall support the electronic payment processes as described below: ACH Credit: The County can initiate the sending of an ACH file to the proposer where the payment would be posted to the designated account(s). ACH Debit: ACH Debit is an electronic payment method that allows the proposer to automatically debit the County's designated account at the end of the chosen settlement period for the amount owed for that billing cycle. Wire Transfer: The County may wire funds to the proposer with instructions on which card account to post the payment. Payment by phone: The County may use the Proposers Pay by Phone option to make payment to the card accounts. PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE: There will be a virtual pre-proposal conference for this sourcing event on September 28, 2020 at 1:00 PM https://meet.google.com/pnq-otbf-daa or 1 919-636-5309 PIN: 272 736 524#.Attendance is optionalSERVICE DESCRIPTION, FUNDING, AND CONTRACTING INFORMATIONPURPOSE AND OVERVIEWThe Multnomah County Department of Management, Office of Treasury is seeking proposers from whom it may purchase commercial banking services. Services are intended to cover a wide range of banking assistance including the performance of specialized financial services in order to serve as Multnomah County's main banking partner as further defined in this Request for Proposals (RFP). Commercial banking services will include both general banking services and merchant bankcard services. General banking services will be directed towards Multnomah County's operational revenue and expenditure functions while merchant services will serve to assist Multnomah County (County) in accepting, processing, and securing funds obtained through a variety of electronic and card payment interfaces. Additional services may also include armored transportation services and gift card purchases. Additional services may be added during the term of the contract to accommodate the County's growing organizational needs even if those services are not outlined in this RFP.INTRODUCTION AND PROGRAM HISTORYMultnomah County's Treasury section manages a broad range of finance functions including: Cash assets; Banking services and relationships The County's investment portfolio; Broker and Dealer relationships; and Debt Management and excise tax administration. The Treasury Office also maintains fund held in trust per Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) guidelines for property liens. Treasury coordinates and provides responsive and pro-active internal customer support, training, and advise to decentralized finance offices across the County's departments and offices.The County has an existing program of required banking services established, but is conducting this RFP in compliance with Oregon ORS 279. The overall goal of this RFP is to receive the best value for taxpayer dollars while obtaining the most advantageous service products to meet the County's operational needs. Proposers are invited to describe how their services can be used to meet the County's long and short term financial needs while providing the best cost to value ratios. In addition, proposers will identify and address any transactional needs that would arise as a result of establishing a new banking partner.In order to provide a full overview regarding the County's program background and utilization, details regarding the County's current bank accounts, volume, and service levels are as follows:Bank Accounts (82 Total) One (1) concentration account; Fifteen (15) deposit accounts (a.k.a "ghost accounts"); Nine (9) disbursement accounts (Zero Balance Accounts, a.k.a. "ZBA's; Six (6) petty cash accounts; and Fifty-one (51) merchant accounts; Volume Levels One average, approximately 500 checks are issued on a weekly basis; A minimum of 2,500 Automated Clearing House (ACH) disbursements are issued on a monthly basis; County average monthly ledger balance (maintained): Approximately $6,000,000 for nine (9) months (Jan-Sept); and Approximately $40,000,000 during the tax season (Oct-Dec). Service Levels (2019)Please note: service volumes are subject to fluctuation from month to month (such as increases during tax season) and from year to year (perhaps as transactions become aggregated or transitioned to other more efficient transaction types). General banking service volumes are included as part of the "General Banking Cost Worksheet" provided as Attachment 1 to this RFP and can be located in the "Buyers Attachments" tab; Merchant bankcard service volumes are included as part of the "Merchant Bankcard Costing Worksheet" provided as Attachment 2 to this RFP and can be located in the "Buyers Attachments" tab; Additional accounts payable volumes are summarized in the "Accounts Payable Volumes" provided at Attachment 3 to this RFP and can be located in the "Buyers Attachments" tab; and Banking integration & configuration provided as Attachment 4 to this RFP and can be located in the "Buyers Attachments" tab. GOALS, VALUES, AND OTHER IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONSBroad Service Capability and InnovationThe County desires to establish a fully electronic receipts and payables system through available banking system products and services such as remote deposit, smart safe technologies, image cash letter, card based and ACH payment, real time payment mechanisms, and other electronic solutions such as a fully integrated electronic accounts receivable system linked with online payment systems through various channels. Proposers must offer flexibility of service offerings in order for the County to grow and change with the banking industry and the Multnomah County community. County Treasury CoordinationMultnomah County Treasury is a centralized function providing service liaison and coordination of functions across County department and non-department operations. Treasury, as part of the Finance Division of the Department of County Management (DCM), operates and maintains the accounts outlined above and is the primary customer service contact for all County accounts.Multnomah County Technical EnvironmentThe County is looking for modern technical solutions to the specialized needs of County operations. As necessary, successful service solutions will accommodate the technology of the County's Google Suite environment and operate in (or be compatible with) the County's information technology framework. Any technical aspects of necessary service software and hardware solutions will be architected using shared and/or virtualized server environments. At a minimum, the banking solution will need to provide extensive online web based capabilities to enable receipts, disbursements, reporting, images, positive pay, ACH and wire transactions, statements, and complete daily bank balance information for effective cash planning. The County extensively utilizes many internet-based reports and transactions, positive pay data flow, stop payments, and numerous other online services. In addition, the security administration provided within the online banking system should accommodate multiple users with different security levels and provide easy entitlement management.The County utilizes Workday as its current ERP system countywide. Integration capabilities of the proposers will be an important part of a responsive proposal, and must be considered and presented as an option wherever service solutions are available, including prior experience with Workday integrations. Checks are printed on blank security stock so every piece of information on the check is part of the Workday configurable report/form including the logo, bank name, signatures, account, and routing numbers.The County expects the bank to work with us to design, develop, test, and deploy the required automated integrations/file transfers currently developed into Workday system (with the addition of any new capabilities the bank may provide and the County chooses to implement.). Extensive testing with dedicated bank testing resources, test environments, and personnel will need to be conducted in order to ensure accurate and timely interaction with any banking solutions for the various payment methods.Since the County's Procurement Card (Pcard) system is handled by another provider that operates in its own web-based environment, testing will be necessary with the owner of that system as necessary to ensure accurate and efficient transactions. Under this system, County emails are generated daily that advise suppliers that a card account is funded and they should charge a specific amount.System security is of primary importance to the County. The County systems are maintained behind complex firewall systems that are closely and strictly limited for both practical and legal reasons. However, limited access to online financial services with complete information reporting services, image access, electronic storage, transactions (ACH/Wire), positive pay, and account analysis is relatively wide-spread and is expanding throughout several County functions. Proposers must be able to provide these services without compromising the County's firewall.Where applicable, system solutions must be Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliant and maintain security standards in compliance with current law as well as County data security standards as they are updated from time to time. Solutions must be integrated into the County environment in such a way that it does not introduce additional PCI risk, taking into consideration the environment and surrounding administrative processes. Service will include periodic scanning of systems and penetration testing with quarterly vulnerability reporting as part of the County's expectations for the PCI compliance management. All scanning and penetration testing must be coordinated with County Information Technology (IT) and County treasury.Disaster recovery measures are also critical to the County's function and must be available and maintained to a degree that will allow for little or no disruption to the County's ability to utilize services to be available in the case of any unplanned or unforeseen events.Transitional Service ConsiderationsThe County is aware that the transition from the current banking arrangements to a new partner arrangement would require a significant collaborative effort between the County and its banking partners. The County has identified resources within the organization that would need to be deployed in order to undergo this effort. Proposers are asked to provide details of their considerations and available assistance as it pertains to this type of effort. Specifically, the County is interested in reviewing any potential costs and manpower requirements as well as the time line involved in this endeavor.FUNDINGAdequate funding exists to procure commercial banking services. The Board of County Commissioners has approved sufficient operating expenses in the County annual budget to support these functions on behalf of County treasury. However, the purpose of this RFP is to determine the best value for the public service dollars used for this function, and proposals will be evaluated with cost to value based considerations.SCOPE OF SERVICESThe contract resulting from this RFP will cover the following service requirements. At a minimum, proposers responsive to this RFP must be able to accommodate the needs described herein in accordance with generally acceptable banking and financial standards and provide the minimum levels of service specified by the County. Service solution considerations must include the components as described in this RFP.Multnomah County is soliciting proposals from qualified financial institutions for a full array of general banking services and merchant bankcard services. The complete list of minimum required services is described in detail below. In addition to submitting a priced proposal for the required services described herein, proposers may also provide details for any additional banking services that proposer believes may be beneficial to the County. Such alternatives and enhancements will be considered in the context of the overall services offered by the proposer, and evaluated within the criterion described in this RFP.Customer service is a key component to the commercial banking services necessary for the County's operations. In order to serve the County treasury and its County customers, a broad range of banking services will be utilized and coordination and conveniences of the service levels is critical. Customer service is inclusive of the proposers ability and willingness to negotiate contract terms throughout the term of the contract. Proposers must have branch locations that provide the full range of required banking services within Multnomah County. At a minimum, an account representative and/or client relationship manager assigned to the County must be reasonably available to assist in resolving any issues and provide suggested solutions for improving the service and efficiency of banking services and related products. The account representative should be knowledgeable in government services, regularly attentive to County's account activities, and must be fully authorized to represent the bank in all areas of the account relationship with the County.The County has a preference for an escalation model of banking customer services whereby a team of assistance is available to resolve issues at varying levels of priority and complexity. It is expected that proposers have an efficient process for responding to questions and concerns. This process should include the ability to telephone and/or email a bank representative and receive a response within the same or next business day depending on the severity of the issue. Contingency support must be available at all times.Scope of Banking ServicesThe scope of commercial banking services is broad and includes all general banking needs as well as County merchant bankcard services. The following is a list of the basic banking services required by the County under this RFP: Account Reconciliation - Full service including reporting, image access, statements, ad positive pay; Automated Accounts Analysis - Integrate with ERP (Workday); Automated Clearing House - In compliance with NACHA rules; ACH Blocks & Authorizations - Including a system to filter unauthorized ACH debits; Banking Suppliers - All manner of daily business supplies, including a systematic ordering process; Cash Deposit Solutions - Capabilities and courier services involvement Check Issuance & Document Printing - As directed by the County; Check Truncation - Provided with all images fully available through online web access; Currency & Coin Services - Including ordering capabilities, charge specific accounts, and coordinate service deliveries; Commercial Deposits - Capabilities to make deposits via banking centers, courier services bank vault, and online; Commercial Prepaid Cards - Available for various one-time and periodic purposes. Controlled Disbursement Balance Accounts - Required daily current reporting and early presentment schedules; Customer Initiated Payments - Establish capabilities with constraint to allow some suppliers to pull payments; Digital Disbursements - Electronic payments by both phone and email; Electronic Bill Payment Consolidation - Various solutions are required to meet specific departmental needs; Electronic Data Exchange (EDI) - Must be able to provide EDI report (with addenda) of ACH transactions in all acceptable standard formats (CCD, CCD+, PPD+, and CTX); Electronic Stop Payment - Required to have automated capabilities for immediate effect; Image Services - Required full detail and high quality search capabilities; Information Reporting - Prompt availability with current and previous day reporting; Information Services - Web portal monthly reports, current and previous day reports, and full accounts reconciliation reports and statements; Lockbox Services - Retail and wholesale capabilities with same day credit, images, reporting, and processing; Merchant Bankcard Services - Full suite of electronic payment and deposit services; Notification Services - Electronic notification of receipts and payments, statements, and reports; Payment and Invoice Processing Services - Online web portal based or separate payment processing capabilities; Payment Kiosks Solution - Capabilities; Payroll Cards - Including enrollment and funding process support service(s); Petty Cash Accounts - Complete set-up, maintenance, ans support; Positive Pay - For disbursement accounts with online validation and exception dispositioning, capability to view images of all items including payee positive pay; Real Time Payments and ACH - Capabilities; Remote Deposit Online Service - Enabled Electronic desktop deposit; Return Item Processing Must be able to present items a minimum of two (2) times before sending actual physical return items to County. Requires images and reporting through primary bank online web access while charging to relevant account. Special Requirement Accounts - Requires 24/7 check issuance, multiple signatures, and special cashing allowances; Smart Safe Solutions - For on-site instant cash deposits; and Wires - Required capability to initiate both repetitive and non-repetitive transfers, and wire out drawdowns Details on Specific Service NeedsDeposit Services: Depository Services, Main Concentration and Ghost Accounts: The majority of County deposits are made to the main concentration account either directly or via multiple ghost accounts utilized by different County departments.Deposits are made at branches, by courier to the cash vault, by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and by Lockbox service. The County requires remote deposit services online and an endorsement guarantee of checks. A broad range of electronic deposit systems are required by the County as part of the long term goal of an integrated electronic accounts receivable system. Remote Deposit Services The County needs to have the capability to use web-based applications that enable County staff to make electronic deposits from their desktop computers using bank approved equipment to scan and capture images, MICR data, and transmit that data to banks using encrypted internet connections. Electronic Bill Pay Concentrator The County has implemented payment concentrator services to speed and simplify remittance processing. The County needs the capacity to electronically receive consolidated consumer to business payments and remittance detail for consumers. The electronic bill pay concentrator services must be transmitted to the County in formats that allow the integration of the information quickly and easily to our internal receivable system. Wholesale Lockbox Services Business partners send payments directly to our wholesale lockbox so that bank representatives can collect payments and credit them to our account quickly. The County currently uses this service on a limited basis. Check 21 and Image Cash Letter The proposer must be able to provide and maintain current and emerging banking technologies such as Check 21 deposit services. This includes the acceptance of image cash letter files and maintenance of remote deposit services. Each of these deposit types should be identified by a specific location code that identifies depositor. The system that provides the acknowledgement/receipt files should be able to accommodate multiple emails for notification so that both the depositor and the County can be notified of such deposits. The County is actively searching for solutions via electronic deposit based on the needs of various departments. The County needs service solutions such as image cash letter to create electronic deposits and present check data and images for payment via image exchange and image replacement documents. The County would like to have the capabilities through ICL services to submit check payments in electronic files of data and images instead of making paper cash letter deposits. Smart Safe Cash Solution Several County locations require the ability to deposit cash from on-site through smart safe cash solutions. The County requires the capability to receive accelerated credit for cash deposited into a bill validating safe provided by an armored carrier. Payment Services: Controlled Disbursement Services, Zero Balance Accounts: Most County checks are drawn on multiple accounts, including the account payable, payroll, third party administered accounts, petty cash accounts, and special disbursement accounts, some of which are controlled disbursement accounts. The accounts utilize positive pay, payee positive pay, and all disbursement accounts are truncated. Check payments are processed weekly, and in some cases daily, with some manual check exceptions required periodically. There must be current daily reporting of early presentment schedules. The County also requires the ability to place stop payments online. IN practice, the County on some accounts use this as there are requirements of same day releases of replacement checks and other accounts do not release replacement checks until the subsequent day, waiting for a void to process through the system would be acceptable. General Automated Clearing House Services: The ACH system is the primary electronic funds transfer system used by the County to make payments to suppliers. ACH payments are processed daily utilizing both customer and County initiated payments, including pull and push functions through electronic file transfers generated by the County's Workday ERP system. THe County is interested in expanding the functionality of ACH to maximize efficiencies wherever possible, such as same day ACH and real time payment capabilities. Wire Transfer Services: Repetitive and non-repetitive wires are processed daily by treasury on the bank's template including authorized wire out drawdowns. These are handled manually by treasury and there are no Workday ERP processes initiated automatically. This method of electronic funds transfer is also occasionally used for other purposes at the County's discretion and is intended to provide more individualized transactions than our bulk payment systems such as ACE. Commercial Prepaid Cards: The County requires an array of pre-paid card solutions to cover a variety of relatively small periodic and one-time payment needs such as gift cards and rewards cards. Petty Cash: The County utilizes numerous petty cash checking accounts that are structured both through account analysis, depending on the cost and t he constraints of the Patriot Act regarding opening new accounts, account maintenance, signature and card changes and other issues. In addition, some unique requirement petty cash accounts in currency required non-bank customer custodians to be able to cash County replenishment checks. Electronic Funds Transfer (ETF) Services:The County utilizes ACH transfers - both debits and credits, as well as both pulls and pushes. In conjunction with this the County employs blocks and filters on all principal accounts. Additionally, daily fund transfers occur between County accounts at various financial institutions, including the Local Government Investment Pool (LGIP) and the County's investment custodian. Government transfers are processed daily or as needed and are initiated by general ledger and treasury rather than the accounts payable office through State of Oregon treasury web portal managed by PFM.Account Reconciliation Services:The County utilizes both full and partial account reconciliation services. Some accounts require weekly cut-offs and all utilize online reporting and full access to electronic imaging.Merchant Card Services:The County is a level three (3) merchant and currently maintains fifty-five (51) merchant accounts across various County departments accepting payments for Assessment and taxation, Sheriff's Office, Department of Community Justice, Health, Libraries, Animal Control Services, Land Use Planning, Bridge, Human Services, and Purchasing.The County accepts credit cards through swipe machines, IVR and online payments, and also maintains a specialized relationship with an external processor to accept property tax payments. The total number of credit card transactions in the past year has been 116,244 with sales volume of $22.77 million dollars. Online property tax payments form about 68% of the sales volume and reflect less than %5 of the transactions.Currently, the County can accept four (4) card types (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express) for electronic property tax payments processed through an external processor and is limited to Visa, Mastercard, and Discover for the rest of County services payments. The County must have electronic payment processing for credit cards, debit cards, electronic checks, card present and non-present transactions initiated via telephone, IVR, and internet. It is the goal of the County to expand in the coming year to introduce acceptance of all types of cards for all County service payments through various channels.Merchant accounts require the composition of a dedicated customer service web-based module for handling all merchant account issues such as setting up new accounts and chargebacks disputes resolution via web online access within a quick turnaround time. Merchant services must be able to provide informational and reconciliation reports and a daily detail report of activities. A monthly statement and annual summary are also required.Inerchange plus pricing must be available to enable the County to detail costs for all transactions. Utilization analysis and refinement of strategies for reducing costs associated with the County's utilization levels may be frequent review point in quarterly business discussions.The proposer must also have one or more options for web-based payment services that can interface with the formation site for the purpose of transmitting amounts paid electronically into one of the treasury accounts.Specialized County Banking Needs:In addition to the standard banking needs of th County, there are a number of unique situations that require the following specialized banking services: Third Party Vendors: In addition to the merchant bankcard services solicited under this RFP, the County also uses a third party supplier to process electronic property tax payments. Banking solutions must accommodate similar arrangements to provide service products that accomplish this function. Demand Accounts: The County utilizes two (2) demand accounts to accommodate inmate trust fund requirements: Currently the County holds a Zero Balance Account (ZBA) solely for deposit of inmate funds. Ther is also a stand-alone positive pay disbursement account issuing checks 24 hours a day seven days a week from two (2) locations. This account requires more than twenty-five (25) authorized signatories and an arrangement with a specific branch to cash these checks for payees without a fee while often accepting non-standard identification to do so. Payroll System Limitation: The County's payroll system will not allow for the printing of checks out of schedule of the set pay periods on the fifteenth (15) and the last day of the month. There are occasionally circumstances which require the County to issue checks with altered dating characteristics. In these cases, the contracted bank must be able to accommodate for this technical limitation Other Service Enhancements and Augmentation: On occasion, the County requires enhanced or augmented services for large projects, special projects, or high volume periods such as property tax season. Proposers must be able to work flexibly with the County in order to sufficiently provide adequate assistance as necessary and appropriate to conduct the business in a professional and efficient manner. FISCAL REQUIREMENTS AND REPORTINGThe County requires extensive information reporting and image access online. Reporting and data must include full account analysis statements, receipts and payments, deposits, ACH, wires, payment network, receivables network, receipts, full image access, check image inquiry capabilities, disbursement image access, lockbox details, online receivables management, and retail lockbox data.Statements and reporting requirements are as follows:Statements - Statement Group In Sequence of Receipt By County Under Current Contract Account Analysis - Account Analysis Account Statement - Bank Statement Account Activity Report ACH - Report ACH Acknowledgement of File Receipt - ACH ACH Entry Detail Report - ACH ACH Origination Reconciliation Report - ACH ACH Requested Deletes and Reversals Report - ACH ACH Return Items Report AM - ACH ACH Return Items Report End of Day - ACH ACH Reversal/Deletion Detailed Reconcilement List - ACH AR Audit List of Issues Report - Account Reconciliation AR Consolidated Report - Account Reconciliation AR Daily Paid Report AR Diagnostic Summary Report - Account Reconciliation AR Misc. Credit Report - Account Reconciliation AR Misc. Debit Report - Account Reconciliation AR Outstanding Settlement Report - Account Reconciliation AR Paid Only Report - Account Reconciliation AR Recap of Posted Items Report - Account Reconciliation AR Reconciliation Report - Account Reconciliation AR Stop Payments Report - Account Reconciliation AR Unpaid Only Report - Account Reconciliation AR Account Summary Report Group Account Analysis - Account Reconciliation Previous Day Reporting ACH Report All Data Summary and Detail with Text Report Balance History Report Balance History Report (Horizontal) Balance History Report (Vertical) Controlled Disbursement Detail Report Deposit Report Detail Report Detail New Data with Text Report Loan Transaction Report Lockbox Deposit Report Non-Post Report Return Item Report Statement View Report Summary and Detail Report Summary and Detail with Text Report Summary Report Sweep Detail Report Sweep Summary and Detail Report Wire Report Current Day Reporting Previous Day Reporting Real Time Payment Reports ACH Report All Data Summary and Detail with Text Report Balance History (Horizontal) Balance History (Vertical) Controlled Disbursement Detail Report Controlled Disbursement Detail Report (Horizontal) Controlled Disbursement Detail Report (Vertical) Deposit Report Detail New Data with Text Report Current Day Reporting ERIN Report Loan Transaction Report Lockbox Deposit Report Non-Post Report Return Item Report Summary and Detail New Data with Text Report Summary Detail Report Summary Detail Report with Text Summary Report Sweep Detail Report Sweep Summary and Detail Report Wire Report Digital Disbursement Credit Processing Report Digital Disbursement Detailed Listing Report Digital Disbursement File/Batch Level Acknowledgment Digital Disbursement NSF Notification Report Digital Disbursement Tolerance Over the Limit Warning Report The County utilizes direct data transmission as well as internet data transfer and reporting, particularly for balance and activity reporting, both current and day prior. The County utilizes an interface between Workday (the County's ERP system) and the bank data transfer. An extensive conversion of accounts payable supplier to ACH is carried on periodically.An analysis report must be presented monthly summarizing the charges for each individual service for the group of accounts maintained and detailing the charges by service for each individual account. The bank must also have the ability to charge all regular, ongoing services and supplies, to the monthly analysis and also have the ability to individually invoice as needed for specific items and services in unique situations.In addition to electronic statements, the County will require the ability to retrieve analysis reports online. Services must allow for exporting the data to a spreadsheet format or other formats to integrate with the County's ERP system, Workday, for the purposes of balancing the fees charged and analyzing the services used.For all accounts the timing of statement availability will be important. Bank statements typically need to be available within 2-4 days from the end of the week/month. Online reports must be available on demand or at scheduled intervals as agreed.Cash/Concentration/Deposit account reporting is needed for a minimum of one (1) main concentration account with thirteen (13) "ghost" deposit accounts. A monthly bank statement in PDF format needs to be provided timely with the activity detail downloadable into other formats (Excel, text, etc.). Import of these reports to the County ERP system, Workday, must occur daily in a BAI2 format.Disbursement checking account bank statements must be available in PDF format weekly/monthly by account with detailed activity data available for download into other formats (Excel, text, etc.). The account reconciliation reports must include summaries of all activity by date (issues, paid checks, voids, etc.). Additionally, the reporting capability must include a roll forward of outstanding activity (Beginning o/s, plus new issues, less voids, less checks paid = Ending o/s), as well as detail for paid and unpaid/outstanding items. Again, import of these reports to the County ERP system, Workday, must occur daily in a BAI2 format. In addition, email notification advising that the FTP Positive Pay file has been received by the bank is needed by 6 PM.Disbursement ACH uses the same bank statement and BAI2 files as disbursement checking. The reconciliation is limited since they are not positive pay accounts that would have outstanding items. The County requires reports providing detail of ACH activity deletes/reversals (standard industry practice/timing). Currently, the County receives a fax confirmation of the dollar amount and a daily email notifying ACH file successfully sent to the bank.The County must also have immediate ongoing access, with a minimum of a seven (7) year archive. Images should be available in downloadable and searchable formats so that items can be located and reviewed easily.PERFORMANCE MEASURES/PERFORMANCE CONTRACTINGThe County intends to monitor the successful proposers performance and the following elements will be measured to determine program/contact effectiveness:Customer Service ResponsePriority - Response - ResolutionCritical - 30 Minutes - 1 Business DayHigh - 1 Hour - 1 Business DayModerate - 1 Business Day - 5 Business DaysLow - 3 Business Days - 15 Business DaysThe above response and resolution time's will be negotiated at time of contracting with the successful proposer.In addition, the supplier will be required to participate in a regular quarterly business review and and annual business review meeting. The successful proposer's main customer service representatives must collaboratively define a service strategy for the County's service needs and be available for quarterly discussion and review to determine if the business goals are being accomplished within the established time frames.Some additional performance measures, such as contract negotiation/performance, may be added at the County's discretion and will depend on the details in the proposal. These measures may be tied to the overall compensation under the contract. Final performance measures will be negotiated between the County and the awarded proposer as mutually agreed upon by the parties.CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONThe County will initiate contract negotiations with the responsive and responsible proposer with the highest scoring proposal. Multnomah County may, at its option, elect to negotiate general contract terms and conditions, services, pricing, implementation, schedules, and such other terms as the County determines are in the County's best interest. If negotiations fail to result in a contract, the County reserves the right to terminate the negotiations and initiate contract negotiations with the next highest scoring responsive and responsible proposer. This process may continue until a contract agreement is reached.CONTRACT AWARDThrough this RFP process, the County is seeking to award one (1) contrat. Award, as determined by the County, will be made to the responsible proposer whose proposal the County determines is most advantageous to the County based on the evaluation process and evaluation factors described in this RFP.The County reserves the right to select proposers who have submitted a prposal scoring fewer points than a higher scoring proposal based on the proposers ability to best meet the County's programmatic needs. If a proposer who submitted a proposal that has scored fewer points is recommended for selection, the Board of County Commissioners must approve the award.Multnomah County strongly encourages the participation of Minority-Owned, Women-Owned, and Emerging Small Businesses and Organizations in providing these services.CONTRACT TERMThe maximum contract term awarded under this RFP will be for seven (7) years. The contract will have a base period of four (4) years and three (3) optional one (1) year periods which the County may exercise at it unilateral discretion.COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENTThe County intends to pay for costs associated with the banking services through compensation balances, or any combination of funding and compensated balances, as determined by the County. For the purpose of determining compensation balances, overdrafts, and negative collected balance calculations, proposer must agree to treat County's accounts with the bank on a daily consolidated basis and, so long as County's daily consolidated basis maintain a positive ledger balance, no charges may be assessed on individual accounts being in negative ledger balance.INSURANCE REQUIREMENTSThe insurance requirements are set forth in Exhibit 2 of the Service Order Contract which can be located in the "Buyers Attachments" tab of this RFP. Please review these requirements carefully. At no time will the County consider a reduction or waiver of these insurance requirements; however, final insurance requirements will be subject to negotiation between, and mutual agreement, of the parties prior to contract execution.Any breach of the proposers records will require prompt notification to the County with complete cooperation and disclosure. Upon request, the proposer must allow the County to examine methods and controls regarding the proposers protection program. Upon termination of the contract all materials and records.Multi-Stage RFP Sourcing EventThe County will follow an optional multi-stage RFP process that may incorporate the following potential steps in the Multco Marketplace Portal: Written proposal utilizing the systems Panel Questionnaire; Technology Written proposal; Oral evaluations/product demonstration; and Best and Final Offer (BAFO) The first stage (State 1) for this sourcing event will be the written proposals utilizing the systems Panel Questionnaire. Any additional follow-on stages will be determined based on the results of the first stage, unless the County determines in its sole discretion to award based on the results of the first stage.The County reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify, adjust, re-order, repeat, re-schedule, or cancel individual steps. While these additional steps are optional, the County may, at its sole discretion, award the contract to the most advantageous proposer in any stage of this event and not proceed to the next optional stage.


This project has the following solicitation documents. You will need to visit the agency's original website to download these documents.

Bid Document File Size Notes

For Questions or Additional Information, Contact:

No contact listed

Solicitation Change History

Changes to This Listing:

Oct 10, 2020
Oct 10, 2020

About Multnomah County

We partner with COBID (Certification Office for Business Inclusion & Diversity) to ensure that supplier diversity is practiced and is a priority in our purchasing and contracting. Supplier Diversity means we are proactive in encouraging or mandating the use of COBID Certified Firms for contracts or subcontracts with the County.

You can read more about our contracting equity here.
